Men Aren’t Coming To The Rescue Anymore And Women Can’t HANDLE IT
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40 thoughts on “Men Aren’t Coming To The Rescue Anymore And Women Can’t HANDLE IT”

  1. This bastar** host of this channel gave an example …..

    Imagine being a woman in Afghanistan or Middle East. They have it harder then western women……..

    But "WHICH MEN FROM THE WEST" caused the problems for the woman in the regions of Afghanistan and Middle East?

    Was it not mostly wester white men in the us/western military?

  2. I’d bet if you ask 10 women what the worst event in their life has been without loading the question you’d get maybe 2/10 where it’s man related in any way, otherwise it’ll be when a family member or pet passed away or when they got rejected from a college, or being in an accident.

  3. This is y i mine my one Business and keep it moving you don’t need a man you can do bad all by yourself the only woman I worry about is my wife and the other woman in my family I will never risk my life for a 304!

  4. Damn so glad to know that my daughters won’t these type scorned & bitter type of ladies.
    Most times, I believe these people do these reels for likes & comments but then again some I can look at them and know that they did it fully conscious

  5. Its insane how often I've seen this argument that men are the reason women are threatened so they don't need protection from us, they need us to stop threatening them. Like…those aren't the same groups of people. Not sure why that confuses to many of them.

    Edit to add: That chick in the glasses is literally why men aren't inclined to protect anymore. She is the type that if she was about to be hit by a car and you grabbed her and pulled her out of the way, she would sue you for "groping her".

  6. 0:31

    The consistency of f*minists wearing glasses with styles from time periods where they would have actually been expected to adhere to their gender roles aka actually being happy, is very interesting.
    Always the 50's styles.

  7. That " subway incident " happened here in philly where I'm at. No one helped because it happened a few months after the Marine in the NY subway got arrested for helping people on the subway eventhough after he choked out the bad guy he started CPR to attempt to revive him. I'd never help a strange woman in the usa.

  8. Cinderella was a virgin princess, not a western whore. If you marry a western women, make sure her wedding dress is brown and not white. That vagina is used. Smart men get their passport to find a wife. Why pay full price for used vagina, a bad attitude, poor behavior, and confusion in your home while under western laws? Is your wife actually a whore pretending to be a wife? GET YOUR PASSPORT, BROS!

  9. There is a difference between being a protector and being seen as a tool. And if men are seen as the problem by women, then I guess I should stay away. I don't want to infringe on your space, ladies.

  10. 8:17 – This mindset is also being taught in schools. You confront a bully, and YOU are the one who gets in trouble. I heard a story on YT where the school didn't do anything about a bully harassing his daughter. The father confronted the bully, the bully mouthed off, the father slapped the bully, and now the father is getting charged with child endangerment, all because the school didn't do its job of disciplining the bully, out of fear of getting sued by the parents of the bully. Sad state we're in, and Feds and the elites are wondering why people are checking out of society, and really don't care what happens to this country anymore.

  11. 12:02 – Sorry, darling, but the actual reason why YOU weren't harmed is because of the ingrained idea of not seeing women as a threat. The guy with the gun didn't see you as such, but would have seen any dude that confronted as such, which is why he had a gun in the first place. And calling anyone a coward, when facing someone with a gun is both a sign of your own female entitlement, and that you see men as tools for protection first, which makes you a terrible human being.

  12. Honestly, the woman in the first clip is ungrateful and extremely ignorant for generalizing men as "not willing to protect women" she does this while Batman of all people is right behind her.

  13. The best solution is the "walk away" solution. Build a small circle of strong reliable dudes. Don't try to include f'males. Stay out of the regular herd where the group pressures the individual to conform to all of the standard issue bs. Be absent from that life and you will not be dealing with all of the expectations for you to make sacrifices for strangers and non tribe members.

  14. Firsttimer here, just subscribed and liked the vid. I'm living in LA for 4 years so far, and I came from Russia. You're not gonna believe but ABSOLUTELY the same poop about the women is happening in Russia these days. It's like they have been developed in one facility with the same software lol.

  15. They wouldn't need protection if they didn't go chasing the bad boy types in the first place. Don't let them gaslight you, they are addicted to the drama that getting involved with psychos and abusers brings and wouldn't have it any other way.

  16. In 1917, The Virgin Mary appeared to 3 shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. Lucia Dos Santos was the eldest of the 3 children. Lucia became a nun and died in 2005. She is in the process of canonization:


  17. @0:14 The worst part of these women are the kids who are the victims. These women become the architype of the devouring mother and their kids end up losers on life. Also these women take out their bitterness on the sons that look like the men that left the woman.


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