Meet The Plastic-Eating Worms | Planet Fix | BBC Earth Science

These worms can eat plastic. Not only that, but they can digest it too! In the fifth and final episode of ‘Planet Fix’, we speak to the scientists exploring how nature is fighting back against one of the world’s biggest polluters.

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21 thoughts on “Meet The Plastic-Eating Worms | Planet Fix | BBC Earth Science”

  1. The only way to know if it is indeed being digested in a healthy way is to study the adult insects after they metamorphed into the moths, and make sure there is no deformity or abnormal development. It needs further study. How many times have humans thought something we tweaked would work out in the animal kingdom, only to have it supremely fail and alter an entire ecosystem.

  2. I am sure I am not the first to comment this but how in this world such a serious program can referent to these as worms without at the very least explain the fact that they are caterpillars…. what a shame!!!
    other than that, thanks for fantastic information

  3. Nature is so incredible! I’ve seen oyster mushrooms digest plastic, cardboard, pretty much anything if you get an aggressive enough strain. I work on a culinary mushroom farm.

    I wonder if putting large amounts of plastic in an extreme oxygen chamber partially powered by plants would be another possible solution if oxygen can break it down


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