Cuchulain Nez Pierce on Acheron, Beka Valentine meets Parvati Quechua

Acting-Captain Seamus Harper, Rommie, Captain Dylan Hunt, Tyr Anasazi, Captain Beka Valentine, Fleet Marshall Cuchulain Nez Pierce(Adrian Hughes) and Squadron Leader Parvati Quechua(Kendall Cross)
S2.E7: Una Salus Victus

Complete collection here:

One Mark V ECM unit, 1000 km of
Fullerene cable, one low-yield nuclear warhead.
Surprise party for foreign dignitary.”
Argosy Special Operations
requisition form,
CY 9512

Rommie: I’m sorry, Harper. If the Maru were in this system, I’d have seen it by now. And the longer we wait

Harper: Yeah, I know. Bad things will happen. But if Beka’s in trouble, and I leave her behind? I’ve known Beka for nearly five years, okay? She’s the only one I know still nuts enough to put up with me on a daily basis. If those Nietzschean bastards got her, I don’t know what I’d do.

Rommie: Harper, you don’t have to justify your decisions to me. If you say wait, we wait.

Harper: Ninety five percent casualties?

Rommie: Thirty one million dead.

Harper: All right, fine. Er, broadcast to the convoy we’re getting under way. Best speed to the next transit point.

Rommie: Aye.

Hunt: Trap.

Tyr: Really?

Hunt: Yeah.

Tyr: Their mistake.

The Maru: Estimated time for engine repair, four hours.

Beka: Not good. Not with that fighter out there. What about weapons?

The Maru: Estimated time for fire control repair, four hours.

Beka: Great. Run, shoot, run, shoot, run, shoot. Who am I kidding? Run.

Hunt: Here. Don’t hold on to that too long.

Tyr: Well. We might let God sort them out, but someone told me he was dead.

Hunt: That Nietzsche. What a comedian.

Cuchulain: Pathetic!

Cuchulain: Good. Let’s keep it that way, shall we? Comm. unit.

Cuchulain [OC]: Captain Hunt, this is Fleet Marshal Cuchulain Nez Pierce. I see you noticed yourself walking into my ambush. Congratulations.

Cuchulain [OC]: Still, I’ve been setting up this little surprise party for months, and being as you’re all out of places to run to, I suggest you surrender yourself now and save everyone a lot of grief.

Hunt: But I like giving people grief.

The Maru: Incoming transmission.

Beka: Incoming? Patch it through.

Parvati: Well played, Captain Valentine. Strange. For some reason, I thought you’d look different.

Beka: Maybe less like you?

Parvati: Except for the obvious. Squadron Leader Pavarti Quechua of the Drago-Kazov.

Beka: Female Nietzschean fighter jock. This is new.

Parvati: I called to see if you might need a hand. Those proximity mines were a nice touch, but looks like they banged you up pretty bad.

Beka: And you’re offering to help me? Out of the goodness of your heart?

Parvati: Please, hear me out first. I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re in a cargo ship. I’m in a Garuda class fighter. You don’t stand a chance against me in combat, so, surrender. My Pride has no quarrel with you. I promise you’ll be released as soon as this mess gets sorted out.

Beka: And I have your word on that, as a Nietzschean.

Parvati: Point taken. But I have no reason to lie to you.

Beka: Except that your ship looks every bit as damaged as mine. I have a counter proposal. You surrender to me.

Parvati: Not likely. I was hoping we could resolve this before things got nasty.

Beka: Things got nasty when you tried to blow an unarmed ship out of the sky.

Parvati: Well then, I guess we’ll see who’s the better mechanic. Good luck to you. Honestly.

Beka: Honestly.

Cuchulain [OC]: Excuse me, Dylan. May I call you Dylan?

Hunt: This guy’s really starting to bug me.

Cuchulain [OC]: Ah, let me guess. You don’t want to respond so we can’t track your signal. I respect that. So, I’ll just assume the answer is yes. Dylan, I’ve got no problem with you. All I need is Tyr Anasazi. Hand him over to me, and I’ll let you go. I might even be willing to sit down and talk about your new Commonwealth. But if you protect him, I’ll kill you. I’ll destroy the Andromeda and I’ll turn that relief convoy into a live fire exercise. Then I’ll let the plague on Rodina run its course. Thirty one million lives for one, Captain. It’s a pretty good deal, I think. I’m sure your first instinct is to say no. You think the Kodiak is your friend, but don’t forget. He’s a Nietzschean. If you still believe he’s on your side, ask him what happened at Enga’s Redoubt. Cuchulain out.

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