Meet The Indominus Rex | Jurassic World | Sci-Fi Station

“The kids? This will give the parents nightmares.” Meet Jurassic World’s new terrifying attraction; the Indominus Rex.

Jurassic World (2015): A theme park showcasing genetically-engineered dinosaurs turns into a nightmare for its tourists when one of the dinosaurs escapes its enclosure. An ex-military animal expert steps up to save the day.

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24 thoughts on “Meet The Indominus Rex | Jurassic World | Sci-Fi Station”

  1. This scene is so silly. As if you would just walk into the paddock before checking the GPS tag location of the Indominus Rex just because you can't see the dinosaur – it's almost as crazy as the idea that the indomnius Rex knows that it modify its body temperature in order to evade the thermal cameras in the office.

  2. Funny how Claire said the indominous was bigger than expected, yet the base genome is a T-Rex and everything else I've heard listed that it was crossed with is smaller than that and it clearly is no bigger than the T-Rex in the end scene. Were they expecting it to be raptor sized?

  3. What bugged me about this scene was couldn't security have just checked the perimeter outside of the paddock? I mean an animal as large as the Indominus would surely leave foot prints if it legitimately escaped.

  4. This doesn’t make any sense, I’m pretty sure you’d notice and hear reports about a huge dinosaur escaping containment. Panicking immediately is something that would only happen here.

  5. 7:05 And this, is one of my childhood trauma. No images, just the crunching sound making you imagine the worse. I'm not sure I was meant to watch this at 8 years old.


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