Meet the #1 FREE TO PLAY Player in the WORLD (Actually INSANE)

RAID Shadow Legends | World’s #1 Free to Play Player Interview

Today in RAID we’ll chat with Boozer, the number 1 free to play player in RAID Shadow Legends.

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26 thoughts on “Meet the #1 FREE TO PLAY Player in the WORLD (Actually INSANE)”

  1. So funny to hear your daily routines, as they mirror my own F2P experience. And while I cannot compete with your damage gear, I can get my Arbiter to 443 speed in mixed sets, or my Siphi to 401 (411 when my faction kicks inn) speed in a 9 piece protection set. Some of these new gear sets from Hydra/Sintranos, are actually a good way to bridge the gap between spenders and F2P in Raid.

  2. Wonderful choice, to have him as a guest on your channel. It's nice to know that a person can achieve such a level of success within RAID, but didn't HAVE to spend a single dime! Absolutely amazing.
    As always, keep up the great work Ash. Best regards to you & your son, Dr. Steve.

  3. Nah, this dude runs bots (they aren't hard to find) 100% to have 1bil silver and still be ftp. Anyone believing he manually does all that every day and still has a life is too gullable/naive.

  4. Awesome stuff! I always start my day with iron twins cause while I use the energy it regens, I tend to avoid overcharging my energy as much as possible. And when I´m out I´ll do everything that might get me energy.

  5. Man, I haven't received received a SINGLE freaking sacred shard (maaaaybe 1 now that I think of it) from Nightmare demon lord, despite beating it at least 40+ times…does the probability for sacred shards go up for the top chest from UNM demon lord? or am I just stupidly unlucky…really just trying to figure out how prudent it is to build/adjust my champs to be able to realistically/consistently get the top chest in UNM CB…

  6. I have been saying the same thing as Boozilla, that the game will reach a point where spending money is the only way to be competitive, and not in the general pvp platinum situation, but in general. FTP players will stop playing cause they can't get in good clans, can't get stuff completed such as fusions, etc. They will lose a player base simply for greed instead of making it for everybody to enjoy. Eventually, the money will destroy the game. If i spend money on a game, I think I should be competitive, but once the FTP players stop playing, the low spenders will stop, then the mid tier, which become the low spenders, and so on and so forth till its just the whales and krakens…till the whales stop playing…


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