Medical Doctor's NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE (NDE) during a PLANE CRASH & much more with Dr. Yvonne Kason

Dr. Yvonne Kason on spiritually transformative experiences (STEs), near-death experiences (NDEs), out-of-body experiences (OBEs), meditation, what God means to her, spiritual awakening, free will, and life after death.

Yvonne Kason is a medical doctor and founder of the non-profit organisation Spiritual Awakenings International®. She is one of the worlds leading experts on spiritually transformative experiences, an umbrella term that she herself coined. Under that umbrella are various phenomena such as near-death experiences, of which she has had five. After a powerful out-of-body and near-death experience in a plane crash in 1979, Yvonne went on a quest to understand spiritual and paranormal phenomena. She has written several books, the latest is titled: ‘Soul Lessons From The Light: How Spiritually Transformative Experiences Changed My Life’.

Please scroll ⏬ for links + TIMESTAMPS ⏱

🌌 Welcome to Unravelling the Universe. We explore topics related to 3 questions:

1. What happens after we die? 🦋
2. Are we alone in the Universe, or on Earth? 🛸
3. What is the nature of reality? 🧠

(UFOs / UAP, Consciousness, Parapsychology, & more)

🍄 Some other videos you might like:

Anomalous Cognition & Survival:

▶️ Dr. Bruce Greyson (Near-Death Experiences):
▶️ G. Shushan, PhD (Cross-Cultural & Historical NDEs):
▶️ Dr. Eben Alexander (Doctor’s NDE in detail):
▶️ Dr. Jim Tucker (Children with past-life memories):
▶️ Leslie Kean (Round 1: Surviving Death):
▶️ Dean Radin, PhD (Round 2: Psychic Phenomena):


▶️ Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka (Religion & UFOs):
▶️ Danny Sheehan (UFO Disclosure):
▶️ Leslie Kean (Whistleblower David Grusch & UFOs)

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🟡 Yvonne’s links:

– Website:
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– SAI website:
– SAI on YT: @spiritualawakeningsinterna5394

📚 Reading list:

– Yvonne’s books:
– Surviving Death by Leslie Kean:
– AFTER by Dr. Bruce Greyson: (all about NDEs)
– BEFORE by Dr. Jim Tucker: (reincarnation)

🟡 Other links:

– BICS essays (evidence for survival of consciousness):
– Free Afterlife Eduction (Windbridge):
– Peer-reviewed journal articles (psi phenomena):

⏱️ Timestamps:

[00:00:00] Hope you enjoy 🙂
[00:00:38] Background and the Spiritual Awakenings International organisation
[00:06:09] Spiritual awakening & transformative experiences
[00:10:34] Who is God according to Yvonne
[00:15:58] Yvonne’s plane crash NDE + spiritual experience
[00:58:17] Yvonne’s most recent NDE (where she clinically died)
[01:32:43] Meditation
[01:38:07] What happens after we die?
[01:42:51] Life/soul purpose + free will
[01:49:35] Last words…

Thank you to Yvonne Kason for talking with me, thank you to our Patrons for helping us to keep making content!
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💥Episode #70

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🧐 — We’ll always listen to what our guests say with an open-mind & form our own opinions. We highly recommend you do the same.

#afterliferesearch #afterlife #afterlifeexploration #neardeathexperience #nde #afterdeath #lifeafterdeath #god #unravellingtheuniverse #neardeathexperiences #outofbodyexperience


7 thoughts on “Medical Doctor's NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE (NDE) during a PLANE CRASH & much more with Dr. Yvonne Kason”

  1. Hooray 6K! That was quick 🙂 Re the state of the world today; it has been in constant chaos for thousands of years! I've been rather troubled by the metaphysical implications of that recently; including what Yvonne describes as souls going sideways or downwards after a life of traumatic events (which I've also heard from other sources).
    Yvonne is delightfully effusive and uplifting; it was wonderful meeting her — looking forward to more!

  2. I think it's strange that a lot of people don't have a nde. There are so many stories that can't be verified. It's possible that a nde takes place because the brain cells are still active. Or it takes place when the heart does still beat. A lot of nde stories on youtube and a lot of them are from Americans. Personaly i like the down to earth approach. I won't say nde's aren't real i just think we can't say they are at this moment. I'm not religious. I have a big problem with religion. A lot of people in this world say God exists but because a lot of people say so it doesnt mean that's the truth. Hope you keep your down to earth/skeptic look on things


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