Meaning of rising global wheat and rice prices, a bonanza for India, or a dangerous trap

#WheatPrices #IndianFarmers

Amidst rising global food grain prices, Shekhar Gupta analyses India’s wheat & rice buffer stock. Buffer stock fell by 100 lakh tonne this year but why is this a blessing and not a catastrophe. In Episode 985 of Cut The Clutter, we discuss India’s staggering food grain surplus amidst rising prices.
Brought to you by @Kia India
Read ‘Wheat stocks at three-year-low, but comfortable’ here:

Read ‘Why India shouldn’t get carried away by wheat, rice export bonanza due to Ukraine war’ here:

Read China hoards over half the world’s grain, pushing up global prices here:

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34 thoughts on “Meaning of rising global wheat and rice prices, a bonanza for India, or a dangerous trap”

  1. Ironical to see the same presenter now talking about farmers getting high wheat prices. Should see his videos during the engineered "farmers protest". By the way – why are all the "farmers" from Punjab & Tikaits party selling wheat at higher prices now? Do we see them on a sponsored trip to Delhi to thank the central government.

  2. This problem was exactly would have solved if farm laws would have implemented. Producer would have power to sell whoever he wishes . Be at msp or in open market. But this person and people only to oppose bjp did riots .

  3. PM Chandreshekar said war in Kuwait and food prices going up in India.
    Manipulation and Blackmarketing has been the Indian mind set always and in most countries.
    Bumper harvests so WHY?

  4. Nice analysis. I have an observation. In 15:30 you mentioned in 2006 India had to import 5.5 mil MT of wheat while the threshold was 40 lakh MT. That's whooping 125% of the threshold. If that is correct then we definitely should be conservative. The reason is we may want to continue PMGKAY this year (I know it was till March 22) and procurement expectations are low this year. If we sell off our excess now at 475 usd per MT, we may have to procure the same amount at higher rate.

  5. India is to supply one million tons of wheat to Egypt. India has offered to service requirements of other countries too. The prudent approach would be to retain a stock cover of upto 4 months of consumption and offer the rest to the overseas markets..

  6. I respect all religions, but a question comes into to my mind, only the children of the poor, the children of the farmer, the children of the labourer, the children of the small job worker, the survivors children of the smal vendor, the unemployed involved in every riots and kill each other community ? !🤔 everyone is facing this worst situations day by day from every community, caste or religion🤔!? As per Indian constitution it's for the people, by the people, to the people of India, a common person basic needs the things which are necessary to survive and normal life that is education, employment, health, development, infrastructure, women safety, ?!🤔but now a days we don't focus and discuss about on Real issues and we are indulging or creating unusual activities because we are getting divert by a politicians or hypocrite dhongi Baba, who gave the hate speeches and they just sit on chair and do dirty politics in the name of religion or caste after they just wait and watch only to fill their vote bank, have you ever seen or heard about them and their children ever appeared in any riots or they face any lose or their lives or their children? 🤔 Answer is No Because Their Children Are Studying in Abroad or Doing Business on International Level ,their earning are in crores, they become businessesman, celebrity or VVIP And Live peacefully?🤔 guess about it and think twice they are busy in doing bad politics for vote bank or break the chain peace and harmony of our country and make lose of citizens and they don't care about anything by doing such things or don't care anyone lives even don't care about you also ,they will use and throw you that's it, dont you still understand in this kind of dirty politics , don't you feel every lives matter if they belongs to your family, friends, relatives, from other city or other states all are human, some are good and bad in every community and no one has right to judge anyone by their caste or religion , if someone done wrong he was punishable no matter from which community or caste he is belong, if present you dont stop it or still silent then be ready for everything , which will be worse than present situations, wakeup now and open your eyes see and you should learn from our neighborhood country Sri Lanka just do research before and present situation of Srilankan people situation how do you want to see the object with your own attention happening today in our country, now you decide its your life and your decision, save humanity, save constitution, save country this msg for all human, I hope you understand and some people now here with positive and negative thoughts but remember one thing truth never die and never hide , finally it's your life your choice and your decision..Jai Bharat Jai Savindhan 🙏

  7. Farmers seldom gets the advantage of increase in price…10% when international prices have gone up 100%. It seems to me the middle men who make all the money. Farmer gets low price and consumer is charged inflated price.

  8. Price of atta for middle class is increasing. This problem no one is addressing. This government wants middle class to become poor. Rich is getting richer and poor are being fed free and middle class is footing the bill by paying for petrol, food electricity education through its nose. Shame on the government who got lions share of votes from the middle class

  9. Export is good option however rains are unpredictable in India. not possible to export wheat unless we fulfill 3 years requirement in hand. we do lot of charity to other nations also.

  10. The issue is all good wheat will be exported through private players. The same rotten and rat infested wheat will come to ration shop. How do you ensure that the wheat or for that matter aby grain in our public distribution network is actually human consumable. Even with all this stock , our servant lady says Central Govt rice distributed is very bad quality , Cannot be used for human consumption.

  11. The whole game is to sell to adani who can take advantage of selling at high profit in international markets…
    What large corporates has done with cocoa coffee and avocado.
    Growers are sequenced and middle men is making large profit


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