Mcconnell and Mohg The Lord of Blood learn to count in Elden Ring



This is an UNofficial clips and shorts channel for Asmongold, Zackrawrr and sometimes McconnellRet (once a millenia, when he actually streams).

Thank you all for watching! Subscribe and ding the bell to make sure you don’t miss clips and shorts when you are sitting on the white throne bored.
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49 thoughts on “Mcconnell and Mohg The Lord of Blood learn to count in Elden Ring”

  1. this 10/10 game just died with the latest update rip mimic rip Hoarfrost stomp rip night and flame sword I wasted my entire time leveling you guys up for nothing 😭😭😭

  2. Mohg's counting confused me. I saw "TrΓͺs" and was like cool, this guy speaks Spanish. Then he goes "Duo… Ε©nus… Nihil" which is Latin. Pick one and stick to it.

  3. I think DS1 got it right by putting easy bosses in difficult areas.
    So the difficulty wouldn't be reconciled and it made it more of a surprise than ever large empty room. Being highly suspect.

  4. I struggled with this fight for a while cuz I didn’t have the purifying tear but I had one run where he got stun locked by me without even having a summon and he only got to say Tres before he died so he never hit phase 2 and I was like O_o

  5. man I feel like I cheated against this boss. I went after him right after I killed malenia and I got her katana. Right after started using my og katana with her katana and I literally just spammed left trigger till he bled to death didn't even get to see this phase

  6. Best boss fight in the game. No bullshit attacks (the blood drain thing doesn't count, that is actually a really cool way for a boss to legitimately gain power despite being weakened). It is cenemaitic as fuck. He actually gives to attack windows so it isn't a constant dodge fest. Unlike certain other main "optional" fights if you are the proper level (seems like 120-130 is the level where you don't get your shit pushed in…that or have put 30+ to HP and have decent strength or dex…90 is probably the lowest where it is still semi-fair) it isn't actually too bad once you learn his moves. Also his boss weapon ash is sick as fuck.

  7. Actually just beat this dude took around 10 tries to kill him ended giving him a taste of blood loss as well I’m actually suprised at how well blood loss works against him! One of my favorite boss fights in the game so far.


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