MAXIMILIEN HERO CONCEPT | Overwatch 2 Hero Speculation

Here it is, folks: my magnum opus of fictional character simpage. :))))

Brit –
Casino –
Psyblade –
Mauga –
King –
Junker Queen –
Sojourn –
Echo –
Mirembe –


12 thoughts on “MAXIMILIEN HERO CONCEPT | Overwatch 2 Hero Speculation”

  1. When i thought about it i imagined max as the first real "summoner" character in overwatch

    He would have a cane that he us has a blaster and he could look really cool with a cane (I'm thinking V from devil my cry)
    After that there is his secondary fire "bodyguard" were he throws up to 4 coins on the ground
    The coins calls talon soldiers that follow max to protect him hitch soldier is on his own cool down
    His first ability "hunter" calls a talon assassin that stalks the enemie team and attacks them (but doesn't pin down)
    His second ability "vanguard" has mutch more range to throw the coin and it calls a talon sniper that provides cover for the team
    Then his ultimate "rampage" max calls down a talon heavy soldier that unleashes hell on the battlefield for a short time

    That was my idea for our boy max ^^
    But i really like your concept as well !

  2. Wow. I couldn't IMAGINE Max being turned into such a unique hero. Let alone one of my favorite league of legend champion types. A solid 10/10. Though, I think the "switching" ultimate should have a cooldown between swaps like 16 seconds

  3. I'm hopeful Blizzard really commits to a hero dump, and a lot more lore, in the days of OW2. Additionally, they should probably hire you so you can bring some life to the series. While I think the damage output on him would be too strong, especially in the 5 player world that is OW2, this kit is a wonderful idea and a unique, engaging, character. His current damage output is in line with Genji's blade, I think it should be slightly beneath that (75 damage? so 150 in two swings? gives him viability to duel DPS but would struggle in a melee match against a Reinhardt). Love the theory craft… keep these coming, I'm addicted. Do Jetpack Cat and Junker Queen!

  4. Personally I actually agree with your decision on the ultimate duration.

    I mean, I’m imagining feeling like a spider lying in wait when I wait for the enemy team to push into my ult after killing their entire team


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