Matt Fraser Reveals How Long Souls Take to Reach Heaven

Psychic Medium Matt Fraser shares profound insights on how quickly souls transition to heaven. Website:


24 thoughts on “Matt Fraser Reveals How Long Souls Take to Reach Heaven”

  1. I highly recommend the film "Defending Your Life" w/Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks. A most unique look at the transition process and very humorous. Those with strong beliefs about what will happen after we "get home" will appreciate it. Ironically, Albert Brooks who wrote the screenplay said he really didn't know where the idea came from. We do…….😉

  2. My dad connected with my daughter in a vivid dream a few months after he passed, and it included some confusion, strange scenes that had a crashed plane, a beach, so much more. Also showing my daughter a book that she said she felt while looking at in the dream, everything made SENSE. But she can't for the life of her remember any details. The transition makes sense to me. She also was shown some things around my mom, her grandma, that were unclear and not resolved, and absolutely spot on. Personality and Memories 🙂

  3. Just because I know my family is in heaven doesn't mean I don't yearn to hear from them. I won't come to your readings because you said only people who are grieving and don't believe will get messages to let their love ones know they are in heaven and are ok.😢

  4. My daughter passed over 15 years ago. I only dreamt of her a couple of times. She came to a friend in a dream. It was definitely a visitation because she told me she saw my daughter with 2 other girls and that my girl was smiling at her and looked happy. She told me one of the girls was very tall and the other petite. My daughter never met them as they had passed before she was born. They were her second cousins. The tall girl was my cousin and the petite was my husbands. I had never ever told my friend about either cousin…we weren't that that close. Another strange thing I felt was that they were all 18 years of age , they all passed from accidents and they all knew their time was coming from things that happened before they passed such as dreams and other things. I was happy she told me about her dream but sad that my daughter didn't come to me. One day I come to the realization that what better way than to visit my friend who knew nothing about the two cousins and to be able to describe how they appeared in their earthly bodies and that my daughter was so beautiful and at peace. She didn't want to come to me because I might of was just a dream but by coming to my friend with her two cousins she knew nothing about? It lets me know she's happy and we will be together again!


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