MASSIVE Report Proves Why Nobody Likes Woke Characters + Tomb Raider Remaster is RACIST

A giant report has dropped that details how effectively multiple industries including video games are doing when making content that showcases LGBTQ+ content. And the demands of this report from this organization are….well we need to talk about it. Also Tomb Raider Remasters are thrown into the gutter by Crystal Dynamics, and here’s why that’s stupid, so let’s talk.

#suicidesquad #killthejusticeleague #rocksteady #woke #stellarblade #witcher #baldursgate3 #baldursgate #tombraider #tombraiderremaster #thelastofus

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38 thoughts on “MASSIVE Report Proves Why Nobody Likes Woke Characters + Tomb Raider Remaster is RACIST”

  1. Does the report (properly) exclude games that do not allude to romantic preferences at all with any of their characters? I bet it does not, and I bet that accounts for most games, greatly skewing the numbers presented.

  2. I think it's a slap in the face to the people they want to represent, like not all gay and trans people think the same, some trans people disagree with woke politics and there's probably a lot of gay people out there who most likely don't mind seeing hetero romance in games so you can't just pander when there are so many different kinds of people that exist in the world, people are more complex than they're led to believe.

  3. As the ancient roman judge Lucius Cassius used to say: Cui bono? – that is to say "Who stands to gain from this event?"

    Hot take: China is funding the corporations that support ESG policies in order to indoctrinate US citizens into being effeminate and disloyal to their own country. Coupled with TikTok, another Chinese owned product that seems to conspicuously only serve brain rot to non Chinese users because its Chinese version has a different algorithm that teaches their users about respecting their families and the state, and you can see how this can be a very complex psychological operation targeted at weakening the strength of the US by weakening it from the inside.

    The cherry on top is the huge wave of Chinese illegal immigrants and the fact that some politicians in your country are seriously considering the idea of giving these very obscure fighting age men the option of military service in exchange for citizenship. Needless to say, this would not have been such an easy to consider option if a mindset of service was more prevalent in the US.

    See how they're tied together?

    This could very well be one giant trojan horse and you can't let this slide. You need to hold your companies and politicians accountable because you're destroying yourselves from the inside.

    Yes, I posted this on Endymion's channel as well, on his post about X-men 97 and his post about Madam web. I think it's a relevant idea. Figured I should make this clear so people know I'm not a bot.

  4. Those people don’t even accept themselves why should we?! They only and ask for attention because they don’t feel accepted?!

    It just sounds like positive discrimination yet still discrimination. What if lefties, neurodivergent, disabled etc people would do they same. Weird world

  5. On the subject of homosexuality, I always like to draw a parallel between two gay characters by the same company: Steven Cortez from Mass Effect 3 and Dorian Pavis from Dragon Age: Inquisition.

    Steve was a great character. He was caring, diligent, talented, and funny. He had great chemistry with the entire crew, especially James Vega. He had victories, emotions, flaws, deep personal pain which lay behind his motives, and took part in the shared human experience. And he was gay.

    Dorian on the other hand… His character wasn't terrible, but throughout my playthroughs, he could never seem to shake the classic "gay man" stereotype. He was always so flamboyant and over the top that it led to his character falling a bit flat for me. Now, I didn't romance him, and I've heard that he gets a lot deeper if you do, but I think that highlights the difference.

    Dorian, if he's not gay, ends up losing something in the wash. Cortez on the other hand is a great character whether you romance him or not. Cortez is a great character whether he's gay or not. That's what makes him a great example of how to do homosexuality right in gaming.

  6. I used to not care if a character was gay. Now, however, the alphabet activists have been so out-of-pocket that I can't help but roll my eyes the moment some chick talks about "her wife" or a dude talks about "his boyfriend," or some big, butch guy is referred to as a "she/her." I'm done. I'm DONE. No more gay characters, please and thank you. No more trans, non-binary, made-up-flower-gender nonsense, I don't want any of it. The goal is normalization, and I will not regard it as "normal." I refuse to regard it as "normal." I don't hate such people, I just wish they would stop constantly talking about themselves like a bunch of narcissists. Pride comes before a fall, and pride is at the heart of all this nonsense, and I want nothing more to do with it. Live your life and shut the fuck up about it. We'll stay out of your bedrooms so long as you keep your bedrooms out of gaming.

  7. I'm disabled and also have ASD. I don't feel the need to be represented in games. Games don't need to be 'me'
    Be a little sucky if the hero and sidekick has one speed setting waddling on a stick who's leg gives out constantly and can't read hints and over shares/doesn't understand boundaries. Though I think it was done well with Mass Effect with Joker, I don't need to see it in every other game…..
    Oh and the LGBT nut jobs wanting to add ASD to add more letters (just because it seems there is a higher percentage of autistic people who classify as LGBT etc) can rightly sod off

  8. Get woke, go broke. Sexuality shouldn't play a part in being a hero. Who cares in that regard. Maybe it's a romance they want to add to the story, fine. However, even better, make it the players' choice.

  9. 12:59
    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is the last Pokémon game to say "a boy or a girl" when picking a character. It is a game that came out in 2020. Granted, it was made by Spike Chunsoft that made other Mystery Dungeon games, but they can be bipolar as to what games they would make like AI: The Somnium Files.

  10. As an actual LGBT person, I cannot stress how much I don't care if there is any gay stuff in a game I'm playing. If it's there, and done properly (i.e. not just ESG pandering), then cool I guess. But if it's not, then whatever. A game can have a good story with engaging characters and fun mechanics all with or without having any representation. For me, representation is a neutral factor. If you want representation, then sure, go for it, but don't let it detract from the quality of the overall product. That is the mistake all of these modern gaming/movie/media companies are making.

    The entire western entertainment industry is putting their political pandering first and the actual quality of what they're selling you second. Yes, games, movies, and shows have 'always been political',_but back then they focused first on making a good game, a good movie, a good show, and the political messaging was secondary, it was supplementary. I played and absolutely adored Bioshock as a kid, all without understanding a goddamn thing about what it was criticizing. Regardless of its messaging, at its core, Bioshock is an amazingly fun game to play. You don't need to know anything about politics to enjoy it, and the politics that _are present within it were not treated as a selling point. Now though, the message is the product. The pandering is what they're selling you, and so if the surrounding product is crap, that just doesn't matter to them. As long as these companies continue to do this — continue to treat the quality of their products as if it is secondary — they will continue to loose money, and righfully so.

  11. "The percentage of games with LGBTQ representation should be proportional to the share of gamers who are LGBTQ."

    What about games that have no representation, gay or straight? Where no character's sexuality is known, either because that's just not shown within the game, or because the game itself just doesn't have people in it? Should Tetris clones have a game over screen that shows two of the blocks in a gay romance? So many games don't even feature sexuality at all.

    "LGBTQ game industry workers should be hired into positions of authority."

    So they want discriminatory hiring practices… Very cool GLAAD! I honestly can't believe we've reached a point where there are people who disagree with this, but absolutely no aspect of your race, sexuality, gender, etc. etc. should ever play a role in you getting hired. People should not be hired based on their immutable characteristics, people should be hired exclusively based on their merits (with exceptions for actors playing historical roles in movies & TV of course). Meritocracy always was, and always will be the way to go. Anti-meritocracy is just discrimination. (Probably why some of them literally call Affirmative Action "positive discrimination" lol.) It's crazy how normalized actual discrimination towards majorities is becoming. At the end of the day, the only thing that this is acually going to accomplish is create even more divide and hatred. I don't want to live in a world where straight people will be able to say "I lost out on a promotion/job opportunity because of the gay agenda", and actually have a point lol. Jokes aside, all this stuff does is cause resentment towards actual LGBT people, and that's not a good thing.

  12. It was only a matter of time poor tomb raider these abominations I'm just sticking with the 90s early 2000s and even going back to the 8-Bit era cause this garbage moving forward is just that this is nothing but trash it's not what video games are about it's not what comics are about it's not what life is about and this is below pathetic and disgusting woke infection that's the problem it should have never been accepted to begin with it's a disease an abomination against God

  13. "These people don't buy our shit. They sit on the internet and bitch and complain because they have nothing else to do. I don't even think half of them have a damn job, other than sitting on Twitter and bitching about every little thing that crosses their eyes. Why are we wasting any time creating anything for them? Look at these figures. If Twitter was the real world, those numbers should be 30times higher, not us hemorrhaging profits." An actual quote from a meeting I was a part of some bit ago. Can't say who with(NDAs and such), but is a well-known business. He was eventually shutup and sat down, then they proceeded with the meeting about how to pander to the loud minority.

  14. Guys do they going to make King Kong binary or? Everything the go woke turn in to 💩 and this country is at 80% woke we get to 100% that's when ww3 is going to start b/c our enemy are on the move listening and ready for the signal

  15. Strategy: Step 1 – Convince everyone that homosexuality is the way to go. Step 2 – Convince everyone that the Christians are evil. Step 3 – Enact World War 2 Germany plans against those evil Christians.


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