Marvel's Midnight Suns Unintentionally Made Me A Better Critic | Cold Take

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Sometimes games can affect you in unexpected ways as a gaming critic.

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37 thoughts on “Marvel's Midnight Suns Unintentionally Made Me A Better Critic | Cold Take”

  1. The poor coal miner who has one shot to get it right for Christmas will enjoy the chef Boyardee ravioli cup, despite it being mediocre red paste. Affording 5-star restaurants has made you forget this innocence of perspective, Anton. Let that keep you up at night! lol

    Great video btw. watch it 3 times to grapple it.

  2. I have to confess, I am not subbed to the escapist, but I make my way here for Yahtzee's ZP and Extra Punctuation. I dont really bother with the other stuff here. But this video came up in my autoplay, and it has left a wonderful impression. If this level of thoughtfulness is present in all your videos, I think I have a backlog to catch up on.

  3. Holy Shi*t. This was amazing. I only have to complain that it's unfair that someone with such a smooth voice, who could literally read anything and I would listen, is also so smart, witty and funny. And extremely precise and on point. Can you please lie to me and tell me you look like the elephant man so I feel less insecure?

  4. Ay Frost! Just wanted to say that I appreciate you and your standpoint man. It's never easy being the "man behind the recommendation." I just hope you know that at least some of us out here hear you and still choose for ourselves. I listen to your recommendations but it's still my buck behind the purchase. I hope you're as well as you can be man. Happy 23 and cheers! 🍻

  5. That coal miner monologue reminded me of a scene from “the menu” (I’ll avoid spoilers but) one of the victims in the film is a b movie actor who has spent the last few years pumping out trash just to stay relevant. The antagonist of the film describes a similar situation to the coal miner monologue and it really makes you think about the audience. Not as a group but as individuals who invest their time and money into something an artist makes, and the way that low effort cash grabs demean the audience.

  6. Oh my god—I would know that voice from anywhere—That’s Frost. OG big fan of your Smite Content my brother—glad you’re plugged in with the good folks over at Escapist now. Looking forward to a new Frost sub! 😁

  7. Speaking as someone who was hyped for Midnight Suns since I saw the first trailer, bought it on release day, and played it exclusively for a month straight and loved almost every minute of it, I entirely agree with what you said here. Realistically, to an outsider who doesn't particularly care for either tactical RPG's or Marvel, this game is probably just okay. But for someone who likes both of those things, this game was exactly what I wanted and expected it to be. Now to be fair, I am very much a lover of camp, and I wanted and expected Midnight Suns to play like a solid Firaxis strategy game with the story of a cheesy 90's comic book. Which it does! But the writers surprised me by hiding nuggets of genuine pathos and legitimately good characterization in between the cheesy parts. To return to your earlier food metaphor, it's like I went in expecting a regular old grilled cheese sandwich: simple, but satisfying. But what I got was a grilled cheese sandwich that had bits of diced tomato layered in that surprised me with a nice bit of freshness. But I can also see that if someone isn't interested in the grilled cheese itself, the tomato might not be enough to entice them to finish the sandwich. And that's okay! Was this game a 10/10 for me, damn near a perfect fit for what I wanted it to be? Absolutely! Is it a masterpiece of gaming, an achievement within the medium that should be experienced and beloved by all? Absolutely not. And that's okay, too.

  8. I think Sparks of Hope does a bit more to sell itself by having the gameplay break from X-Com convention too. Free movement and team jumping really help it stand out . Although that's not really what the marketing focused on I guess.

  9. While I personally like Midnight Suns, this video still resonates with me. I recently decided to clean out my PS3 backlog completely. So many of the 10 or so games I had remaining that relatively early in the game I just went "Nah" and stopped playing it.

  10. its just a mid game with good combat gameplay, a given since xcom devs but suffers the moment it tries to be mcu humor and fails, so much of the characterization is in a weird place because they have to fill so much space with pointless conversation dialogue yet training area gets a still pic when u use it, should of done that for the dialogue and cut the fat

    its all the give the illusion of hours of gameplay when half of it is just dialogue
    all the while wasting the midnight sons as a team for marvel main cast shoved in

  11. People who complain about the MCU "being too quippy" I think forget that 1:comic book are literally soap operas with superpowers, and 2:the era of the MCU that fostered this was lead by the guys from Community (despite it always getting blamed on weadon)

  12. "This is a damn good video, too good for a crumby youtube recommended feed like mine. Has the algorithm finally decided to cut me a break, or is it just a fleeting shaft of sunlight through usual the smog. Maybe I'll stick around and find out.."

  13. Holy… is… is that October Sky footage? Someone actually remembers that movie?
    That was my sister's favorite movie for years! I haven't thought about it in… well over a decade, maybe two. I just got hit with personal nostalgia in a video I REALLY wasn't expecting it in, and it wasn't even for the animated movie about a talking rat.

    …I think I'm gonna go call my sister.


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