"Many Factors" Led to MICA MILLER's Death, Says Sheriff

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29 thoughts on “"Many Factors" Led to MICA MILLER's Death, Says Sheriff”

  1. What kind of dispatcher is that?! How do you say Ok??!! Why not, “can you tell me your name?” “Tell me how you’re feeling?” When someone tells you they want to commit suicide, you have to engage them in conversation until you’re able to get help over to them! This dispatch clearly needs training in this type of scenario! Her response was unacceptable!

  2. GF:As a Pastors wife who had issues with some depression then I found my husband cheating and responding to other women ongoing at that time had a guilt that if I rocked the boat my husband would lose the church…in fact he did and he blamed me…but I digress. I often felt isolated, and I felt like a bad wife and mother not able to deal. I went on to feel they would be better off without me. I left feeling suicidal and very depressed as if it was all my fault. So I dont think she wanted to be dead but not to go on feeling the way she is feeling, as GF pointed out. Pastor wives have a struggle, one is you can not be 'real' with your parishioners, or you're judged. Pastor's and wives are like everyone else just called by God, and some are, but others I do think thrive on the empowerment of this position that they end up losing God's focus.

  3. Regardless of who pulled the trigger physically, her husband is responsible. I still wonder if he hired someone to either force her to do it or if they did it. She's no longer suffering, but I'll always wonder. Women generally do not shoot themselves in the head.

  4. This is classic narcissistic abuse. He is a narcissist sociopath who lives under the facade of a “godly” man. Just his emails alone, exposes him. This is what narcissistic abuse does. It erodes your sense of self little by little. It’s emotional abuse and manipulation. She literally didn’t see any other way of escaping him. This is what these demons do to their victims. He stood up at the alter and told (bragged) to everyone what happened to her. He had to let everyone know what a depressed, and emotionally unstable person she was, so no one would look at him. This is called smearing, and he did it again and again. He takes no responsibility for anything, and solely puts the blame on her mental state. HE was the reason for her mental state, and should be punished for corrosive control. I’ve been there, and my heart goes out to her, her family and friends.

  5. Not to criticize but aren't dispatcher's trained to respond in certain ways when a caller tells them what they're about to do? I know she had made her mind up but doesn't seem like anyone tried to talk to her. Just so sad…. prayers to her family.

  6. I love what you do, Gavin. I first found you through Sherilyn Dale and was hooked for the last several months. I wanted to share with you feedback regarding content warnings. A graphic content warning for self harm would have been extremely appreciated before this phone call. I understand by consuming True Crime everything is going to be potentially triggering for some people. This particular phone call felt especially graphic in nature as someone who is struggling with mental health and ideations. (I know many people with mental health disorders use True Crime as a way to cope or disassociate.) Again, I appreciate you and I am not complaining just wanted to share that perspective.

  7. J.P.'s new mistress' husband recently died of mysterious causes, and was J.P. also the minister of his funeral. What in the world???
    Could he have forced her to make the 911 recording at an earlier date?

  8. GF: remind me of the song Independence Day because of all the abuse the woman went through. When someone is alone and you only have them on the phone and their mind is made up that is very very hard almost impossible to get them help or help to them in time especially in that situation and it is just so sad and heartbreaking. A lot of prayers for Micas family loved ones Friends community Church and Mica rest in peace

  9. This is so heartbreaking. He mentally & verbally abused her causing her to commit suicide.

    I know this all too well because I have been there myself. I felt like I was going crazy because of how horrible my husband would Isolate, Gaslight, Mentally & Verbally abuse me that I could not take it anymore and tried to commit suicide because of him. May Mica RIP 🕊️🙏🏽

    Her husband is Satan disguised in human flesh. He is Vile.

    I hope Micas family take him to civil court because he is responsible for her death. He has her blood in his hands!

  10. You dont know anything for sure about their relationship. I wish you ppl on social media would take a deep breath, shut up til all FAcTS are out Do Not blame her husband bc of her mental frailties..
    That's unfair.

  11. This makes me sad….ive been suicidal and you dont call for help if you aren't looking for one last person to just CARE. "OKAY MAAM" ugh thats just callous to me. Didpatchers NEED to be trained on suicide calls. Not blaming the dispatcher but come on, she didnt even say why or whats wrong or please dont, you have people who wolp miss you. Thats what someone considering suicice needs to hear. Not, ok maam. 😕

  12. Hopefully there’s enough evidence of abuse that pushed her in doing this and justice prevails. Also who posted that video of her on Vimeo when she was already gone? That’s so strange.


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