Gathering 2 do spells on U trying 2 cover their tracks/run from law ur level up pissed them all off


22 thoughts on “Gathering 2 do spells on U trying 2 cover their tracks/run from law ur level up pissed them all off”

  1. A river flows parallel to my property. 0.7 miles from my house.
    "K" — Man across the street, gangstalker-in-chief, his name is "Kale."
    Evil uncle & cousins (mother's side), their last name start with "K".
    The last name of the BF of 1 of my daughters is King.

    "K" is also for Karuna R., sister of my most recent ex- false TF (he might have actually been my true TF, idk, but at some point in time, tragically, he decided to work for the Dark instead of for the Light)
    Karuna + his mother + his soon to be ex wife all have been practicing b.m., witchcraft & voodoo against both him & me, since he & I first connected.
    I tried to warn him/inform him, but I don't think he paid any attention, or, else, he is in on it & he is down with it.

  2. They'er full, of shit……There black magic don't work FACT…… they can run but can't hide, GOD knows where they are no matter where they run too……if you can't do the time don't do the crime Period………

  3. Tell me something why is it after you win something that you can't confirm anything with any app there's no one home it doesn't matter which app you contact and for all they k ow they already paid the right person and there's nobody to complain to why cause it's the admins for the apps doing the stealing and there paying off cops management at the apps and there's whole groups doing it they have people inside phone companies relatives in law enforcement and they will each take jobs as admins for the big four access private info intercept sweepstakes wins and reroute your government apps take out loans credit cards and have it all rerouted to a different mailing address and nobody at the app will stop it because there getting money to and I can give names

  4. Then call thexsweeps up and try asking them there just as corrupt knowing full well the money is being funnelled back to the original sponsored and divided amongst the management and admins eventually back to owner or the owners foundation

  5. I'll tell you how bad it has gotten over a hundred messages and phone calls to the Gates foundation to confirm info on were things were sent with no answer at all not even a message nothing Facebook just as bad Pinterest and I stagram same same

  6. And the system is setup that way for a reason …so they can screw you and take absolutely no responsibility for there actions if there own and.ins …I mean who employs known hackers thieves with known records etc I'll tell you who Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram some of these admins have been banned for life on Facebook and go straight to work on other apps and do the same crimes

  7. Even YouTube's upper crust management was involved in highly illegal unethical activities such as theft of ideas from outside sources and abuse of power reckless endangerement etc sometimes without the victim or customer knowing proffiting off videos and films that had no business illegal hacking were they gathered film from members they there phones hacking in a filming you in everyday life and trying to air it

  8. Yes his name is Keith his a sick individual I don't care if they hate me I don't even care what they took from me they will give it back I'm sick of them stealing and Rhee black magic God is protecting me Ancestors and my Guides Angels I'm sick off them they will be cought and we will go to court gang stocking graveyard magic hacked phone hit man on me time is running out I'm chose and God won't let them get me Bo sord will prosper against me Amen


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