MANIFESTING DESTINY as THEOCRATIC AMERICA – Europa Universalis 4 Megacampaign

Welcome to the final section of the EU4 mega-campaign, and conclusion to the first megacampaign of this channel. I know you may be wondering where Victoria 3 is, and the frank answer is, with Sphere of Influence coming, I’d rather start over and use the new DLC’s mechanics. I did include a quick look at the Victoria 3 section in this video, so you get that at least.

The megacampaign setup has always been marred by the problem of becoming too strong in one leg of the campaign, so rather than face that issue, I’ve decided to add in a guard rail: as I play, I’ll be swapping nations to bring myself back to a relatively weak position. This allows me to both keep the game interesting, and create more stories.

After America got its independence from Britain, I saw an opportunity to create an insane empire in colonial America, which I thought would be a good way to wrap up the EU4 section of this campaign.

Thanks for watching.

That’s all.

Check out the other parts in this megacampaign:

EU4 part 1:
EU4 part 2:
CK3 section:

Check out my Twitch and Discord:


Besides that, I hope you enjoy the video! Here are the timestamps, and music in the video:

Intro: 0:00
The Episcopal Theocracy: 0:25
The Caribbean Wars: 1:55
The Clerical Coup: 3:56
The Founding of Texico: 5:59
The British Intervention: 6:55
The Great Assimilation: 9:14
The Andalusian War: 10:03
Overview of Europe: 11:38
The World in Victoria 3: 12:39
Conclusion: 13:41

Ruler of the Pyramids – Europa Universalis 4 OST
Climbing the Ginsoo Tree – Ori and the Blind Forest OST
Glory to the Queen – Victoria 3 OST


13 thoughts on “MANIFESTING DESTINY as THEOCRATIC AMERICA – Europa Universalis 4 Megacampaign”

  1. Vic 3 converter rn now is a bit undercooked due to it's early stage,but I'd advise to turn off anything Eurocentric stuff off and allow nations that existed in Africa during previous games (Ghana, Kongo and etc.) to exist on a map as an actual nations, not decentralized ones. Would that hinder the Scramble for Africa? Yes. Would that be more cohesive in terms of the world's history that you play through? Absolutely. And I choose the second option over Scramble of Africa. So do turn off Eurocentric stuff off when converting. Will await for the next Mega Campaign. And if you wanna hear commonly used unwritten rules of Mega Campaign, I will tell, but only if you wanna hear them and how people usually go about this genre, while playing the single nation throughout all games.

  2. In your next mega-campaign. You should host a multiplayer ck3 game where everyone plays landless characters in ck3 then transition that into eu4 but remove the multiplayer aspect for the rest of the campaign. The reason for this is eu4 is really map-painty and having players in control will just make that worse. Maybe in the ck3 campaign you can just observe?

    Also instead of converting, you could also make an entirely new mod which is what happened with the tommykay megacampaign. This takes more time but it produces more consistent and interesting results.

  3. I would not recommend starting at imperator. Removing the roman empire from history or making a worse one than irl through the game mechanics fucks with the game way too much to the point that nothing makes sense. Also would like to give you an idea. In my last megacampaign i started as the mongol empire and conquered europe and pretty much rebuilt europe. I choose christianity and jurchen culture which led to cool names and shit. Choose european heritages to not fuck with the culture mapmode in eu4 and then played a nice campaign in ck3 with lots of switches and obviously lore since europe was connected through my budget gengis khan. Conquering lots of land and then remaking it and giving it away is a must have skill to enjoy a megacampaign and this strat starts with that from the get go. And since you made all the nations jumping around is easy too because its not a new nation but instead the austrian branch or the french branch or the german one.

  4. I've had a idea for a megacampaign for starting as a remote country whose border's haven't changed a lot through history (iceland or something) and try to influence history to look as close to our world's history as you can. Might be fun


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