People Are Being SQUEEZED From Every Angle Right Now

People have all kinds of rising expenses to deal with right now. Higher food prices, higher rent / mortgage payments, inflation eating away at monthly budgets. But as if that wasn’t bad enough, local cities, towns and governments are also scrambling to squeeze people now too. In the form of extreme water bills, unpaid traffic tickets from years ago, whatever they can do to squeeze you from every angle.

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39 thoughts on “People Are Being SQUEEZED From Every Angle Right Now”

  1. Water Bill in my area is outrageous now. I live in Northeast and its not as if we have shortages of water. Unfortunately until and unless we start seeing large demonstrations like people have in France in this country we will be squeezed further and further and our standard of living will be keep dropping.

  2. I have friends who live in Florida who work at average jobs and they are looking to move somewhere else because they can't afford housing or renting anymore in Florida Florida is headed where California is at

  3. I’m here in Brandon and recently got a water bill for 140 dollars for one month and I’m the only one living in my 2 bedroom townhome! The bill had been ranging between 50-70 and it doubled! I was speechless!

  4. Just wait until all the deferred maintenance rears its ugly head along with the unfunded pension liabilities many of these cities have "allowed" to occur.

  5. California ticket is nothing new. We got ticket in 2012 in Placer County CA on hwy 80. It was not a fair ticket so we didn’t pay. While filing federal taxes in Nevada all was quiet, the moment we had to file CA state tax the ticket amount was deducted from the refund in 2016!

  6. I would still buy property now. Remember the "you will own nothing and be happy"? buy now or not own at all. out of the city. land on a well and no hoa. minimize your bills and dependence on the city and the system. it blows my mind why people continue to live in the cities and pay all these services and then complain about it. noone is going to save you, but yourself. Those huge mansions in these videos, one day they will be multi family community living.

  7. There’s plenty of water in California all year long, year after year. The radical left we elect will not push forward bills to build more reservoirs. Anyone offering a bribe to these elected people gladly accept the prize money, but no reservoir to be had. It’s currently becoming way more crazy! developers own all the politicians in Sacramento, and locally. More housing developments all over our farming towns, and desert. Think of 1970’s Bakersfield. No longer a farm community. They have no water resources, it was a desert community that grew dates. Dates were not a water hog crop like avocados in Mexico, and in the southern regions hills.These communities continue to build out with high density going into already over developed city to boot! Yes, My water bill here in the Sierra’s of El Dorado County go up every month.

  8. yes , that has been standard in california, the state will remember what you owe, now these unpaid tickets also create a warrant , i served 3 weeks in county , cost me nothing and cost the state and taxpayer , 3 squares a day, room and board, problem and solution!

  9. Solution: Dig a well. The Aquifer is between 400 to 1,000 feet deep in most parts of Florida. Not to mention it's the same aquifer that all municipalities are using throughout the state. A well might cost as much as $5,000 to $15,000 to dig in Florida. You could probably dig a well for your irrigation system for much cheaper. Due to supply shortages on chemicals for water treatment water prices are only going to continue to go up. Hope this helps.

  10. California will bankrupt you. I was paying child support and the State was charging me 10% interest on the arrears. The arrears are the amount that they charge you on day one of the child support case. The State goes back 2.5 years or the day of the birth of the child and retroactively charges you. So, I got a bill for $9,000 of arrears and $350 per month. I could only pay the child support ( Principal ) plus $50.00 for the arrears. Long story short; I paid $25,000 in interest on my own child.

  11. I had a place in St Simons Island. Same thing. They would charge you for everything. Broke even and sold the place. It rented like crazy but was not worth the upkeep and prices of everything that needed to be fixed and stuff that didn’t need to be. You have to pay for whatever the property management company wants to fix. HOA nightmare.

  12. Im sitting on the sidelines for now. My wife and I were thinking about getting a house on the water. Not ocean but prices are to high right now. I was hoping I could just buy it outright first then have time to sell the house we are in. Hopefully prices will drop this year. Im not getting younger so sooner is better for me. Maybe Sebring area would fit our needs. Don’t want big city traffic anymore but want good medical facilities. Just wait and see for now!

  13. My lease renewal is almost 300$ higher than what my newest neighbor is paying for and they gave him 2 free months when he moved in. His apartment was empty for 8 months… I’m giving up 😂

  14. Just sold my studio bought early 2021 for $176,000 for $300,000. HOA and insurance/taxes had doubled from 2021 along with general inflation, causing stress in this uncertain times and I feel it's gonna get worse. Moving back to roomate with my dad and brother lol and save $500 in the process. Puting the $150k revenue on a High-yield savings account to ride this out.

  15. I inherited a modest home outside of Buffalo with my brother a few years back. The reason for the insane taxes there is the Steel plants closed a couple decades ago and they lost half the population. The people that remain still want modern services so they have to pay the entire bill despite the tax base being decimated. Add the pensions that the unions pushed through for cops and firemen and the like and the benefit packages these people get for 40 years after working 20 and it's pretty clear they ain't recovering anytime soon. It seems like everyone up there has some sort of state job that pays good while you are working and only gets better when you retire.

  16. It used to be that real estate would go up slowly year after year so it was good to own property. Today, real estate is like the stock market…up down and sideways.. And everything that is being build is considered "luxury", pleaseeeee…… a stainless steel refrigerator, range, dw, etc are NOT Luxuries.

  17. Don't feel obliged to make a video every day Michael…we know youre growing the channel n all but it might be better to deliver more interesting content every other day or twice a week!

  18. I left America many years ago. It is ironic to call it democracy when looks like what dictator do to its people. Drain the hell out of people because the institutions that are running the system are corrupt and inept in order to produce healthy economy. I call it DemoDic when you have the freedom to talk if they give you time to breathe and live anymore. Folks things are shitty now, almost everywhere.

  19. They did me the same. Received a Simmonds for Dura Duty in California. Called to exempt. Was exempted. Then received a threatening letter weeks later that failure to appear will cost a $1500 penalty will be will reduced from my State Tax Return. If you even have a ticket left unpaid it will also be deducted. Like the old saying the people get the govt they deserve. We the people elect these officials who then make laws against us

  20. " Inflation Reduction Act" brought on board for the current circus. They need to think of another name for their bigtime failure (s). If people are in the market for buying a house now they need to start their offer at 20 to 30% off the no doubt over valued and outrageous asking price. Flood insurance is going to be off the chain in Florida and all property owners will have to carry it by 2027.

  21. How can the water bills be so high in FL where it rains all the time – that's bananas. I would love to move to FL but the real estate taxes and insurance costs have become insane where it makes no sense to move to FL anymore.

  22. Treasuries are a sound investment right now as long as you stagger them – 1 month / 3 month / 9 month / 12 month T-Bills. You'll earn 4-5% annually and will NOT pay state income tax on them…


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