Malacnar 19: Economic Boom – EU4 Anbennar Let's Play

Malacnar has always been seen as the boogyman of Dolhinda. Our lust for battle separates us from the other small states around us. Our heroes and Battlekings surpass even the Cursed Ones in combat ability, and our knights with their antlered steeds are able to quickly defeat the Epednar raiders. The mighty River Ynn has blessed us in many ways, but in return it seeks the blood of our rulers. The lifespan of each Battleking is short, and should a battle ever be lost, he will fight until his end.

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1 thought on “Malacnar 19: Economic Boom – EU4 Anbennar Let's Play”

  1. I think…you went through a grand total of FIVE battlelords and battle ladies including Two legendary ones.

    That war was also incredably brutal and also was a fitting start to the Eordian – Boyasarvo rivalry.


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