Mail Time At DKOldies!

Mail time at DKOldies!

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39 thoughts on “Mail Time At DKOldies!”

  1. My Most Nostalgic Console Is The Wii Is The Best Console Ever O Really Loved Playing Mario Kart Wii,Wii Sports,Wii Party,Wii Sports Resorts And New Super Mario Bros Wii I Liked Some Rhythm Games Like Just Dance,Dance Dance Revolution And My Most Favourite Rhythm Game Is Rhythm Heaven Fever So THANK YOU WII!!!!

  2. When my parents were still together the wii u meant all lot to me because if the games we had like smash 4, mario 3d world, and my favorite nintendo land. But when "the argument" happened my brother had asked me "you wanna play some games?" I accepted the request and now that he is about to leave I still remember this memory thanks wii u.

  3. When I was 4 I got a NES with Super Mario Bros 3. By the time I was maybe 13 I had almost 300 games. I eventually sold it all to GameStop to get a N64. I wish i still had my games😢.

  4. Being born in the 90s, I'm so glad I got to experience gaming like everyone in the 80s, I was slowly introduced to the Nintendo side with the NES, super NES, Sega Saturn and Genisis, then I got a N64 and Gameboy and the rest is history.

  5. My go to games were “kung-fu” damn that laugh and noise when you die “ Mario bros” TMNT” “RC-PRO AM” karate kid” I would say damn memories but I still play those games and of course the other classics.. the only thing I would say “Damn Memories “ is I myself and everyone else born late 70’s early 80’s hands down is one of the best times to be a kid.. I know older gen have there nostalgic claims on life but it was different . Gaming developers weren’t big until really 70’s but they say though bcuz of tv shows and movies and etc those years it’s like if they were cater to us. Things were still bad but the most sales of consoles ,games ,toys and etc was an all time high around those years and in the 90’s . I’ve seen a lot of research done.. but anyways it just seemed more innocent.. you look at it now complete night and day. Everything is redundant and in some cases just a carbon copy . Just a copy and paste.. movies suck today and there’s a gang of remakes .. there’s nothing like watching those movies first hand.. how many people remember the movie “Krull” bad kinda scary movie as a kid. Or who remembers when wrestling was the shit the real wrestling before it went to “WWE it was WWF” u had the greats . Before you found out it was pretty much scripted.. watching “Rambo, terminator, predator “ etc watching everything on the big cassettes. Tube tv that had 2 channel knobs top one for basic shows the bottom a lot of channels but not really played. Had to freaking get an antenna, (these kids don’t know wussup) they don’t know how it feels to be standing holding a position with tinfoil on the antenna lol.. GOD Almighty that’s what I can reminisce on .. Good times lol GOD BLESS everyone thumbs up to all those that remember these moments and then some..

  6. i have good memory playing Halo 3 on Xbox360 at my cousins crib we were playing it until dvd drive wore out and we played Mortal Kombat 9 untill game failed to work

    man good times in 2020 i was in 6th grade and he was in 2nd grade

  7. So I’m an early 2000s kid and played my fair share of the ps2 and ratchet and clank will forever be a game that sticks with me because it was some of the most fun I had gaming, weirdest memory was finding a copy of sonic 06 behind my tv when I was four and I still to this day don’t know how it got there

  8. Mine is 100 % being playing Double Dragon with my buddy, he would be blue aka Billy I would be red aka Jimmy, and TO THIS DAY when we game and we can chose colors, he makes his character Blue and I make mine Red

  9. most favorite gaming memory was the Nintendo 64 by the way I'm 11 years old I was always 10 minutes fire the Nintendo 64 and the game I always wanted to play with a Nintendo 64 I wanted always wanted if I did 10 to 64 bundle with the two controllers and and Mario 64 where I can play with my dad I wish I have a Nintendo 64 too controller controllers and Mario 64


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