Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens

Auto deck importer for Master Duel –

Clips from stream over at
Akiza emotes art by
Spider emotes art by

#yugioh #ygo #masterduel

Editors for the clips are
-Ordinary –
Mr Metal –


17 thoughts on “Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens”

  1. Old footage once again, with a bit of medical trouble tangents mixed in.

    Maha Vilo, Light of Heavens is hardly worth the trouble, but you were able to make a good comeback in the last duel using it Logs.

  2. This gives me an idea for an Xyz monster that more and more gains effects as it attaches cards to itself, while slowly becoming indestructible:
    The Xyz-aulted Hunger (LIGHT)
    Rank 13
    You can only control 1 “The Xyz-aulted Hunger”. Must be Xyz summoned by it’s own effect. You can Xyz summon this card by using attaching all cards from your hand, field and GY to it as Xyz-materials (Min. 13) (transfer their materials to this card). Gains ATK/DEF equal to the combined total ATK/DEF of, and original ranks equal to the number of, its attached materials. Cannot attack, be destroyed or banished, be used as tribute or material, be attached to another card, be placed in the spell/trap zones, or have it’s materials detached. Cards that target this card for attacks or effects, or would leave the field, are are instead negated and attached to this card. During the end phase of each turn: Negate and Attach all cards that are banished or in the GY to this card.
    ATK/? DEF/?

    Basically it’s supposed to be the Yu-Gi-Oh equivalent of a Black Hole… Passive, and only as massive as what’s it’s fed, but incredibly dangerous to anything that crosses it’s threshold, and all but indestructible. So much so that the only way to realistically get rid of it is to physically move it elsewhere (like when galaxies collide and fling any number of the celestial bodies that they once held, Black Holes included.

  3. Any Direct Attacker or Multiattacker is better than that thing. You could spend the same amount of effort on making the Link-1 Charles and guarantee having multiple equips to work with in the process.

    Of course, I don't think that Power Tool Braver Dragon was even out at around that time, ANOTHER monster that requires setup but at least guarantees getting you the equip cards it needs to do its thing. If they ever want to make a GOOD Maha Vailo retrain, the LEAST it needs to do is be able to add an equip on summon to itself to work with, and maybe get an equip specifically designed to special summon it from hand or deck to go with it that recurs itself or the thing.

  4. Ah, antibiotic allergy case. Well you have passed, but in case I'm gonna explain that… everyone have an open wound will be guided with antibiotic to prevent from bacterial contermination, whom symtoms is very bad. But in case you have those symtoms of allergic, you can ask the doctor to switch the medicine, cuz there're plenty of them in the same branch.
    Also remmember the one that you got allergic so the next time you want to cure anything, you can avoid it.
    Fin, mr duallogs


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