Maggotkin vs Daughters of Khaine Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition Battle Report Ep 167

Ravaged Star: Armies of the Veil-Touched miniatures campaign here:

Youtube Members to watch the Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos Battle Report, go here

Vault Members to watch the Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos Battle Report, go here

Derek brings in Morathi and her followers to fight off the curious forces of the Maggotkin so that she may secure the Amberstone for her own ambitions in this 2,000 point match.

Get your miniatures commission painted by Siege Studios

MWG Silver Vault members gain access to discount codes from terrain and miniatures companies featured in this battle report here:

A big “thank you” goes out to Games Workshop for sending us free models and books for their games, some of which may be included in this video. 

Additional gratitude goes out to the following companies who have sent us free product featured in this video:
Games Workshop –
Terrainify –
Green Leaf Terrain –
Urbanmatz –


37 thoughts on “Maggotkin vs Daughters of Khaine Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition Battle Report Ep 167”

  1. That dok gs can be suprisingly difficult. Bows don't want in melee and small heroes if you don't risk them right away enemies nearby might die too soon leaving random haq queen chasing enemy. Has happened surprisingly often

  2. 23:20 friendly match perk lol. Should’ve rolled off on a 1-3, keep the result. On a 4-6, he rerolls… lame to force a guest to reroll—after good rolls—because of a house player foul up.

  3. Starting the video and I hope that the DoK players looses horribly. Because gosh, I fucking hate this army, but I think the one playing is still a wonderful person. But still a fucking disgusting army.

  4. I don't think you played a single rule correctly , also the last charge with the snakes should of worked cause they have +1 to charge leading to him successfully getting the grand strategy


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