Madame Web is Horrible

This is the greatest web movie of All Time
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45 thoughts on “Madame Web is Horrible”

  1. The movie is really not as bad as you're making it out to be. Is it great? No. But it was entertaining enough to keep my interest during the entire run time. The true crime of this movie was the antagonist's actor. I didn't think the acting was bad except for him, he was terrible.

  2. Love your content and retrospectives but dude if you keep burping and farting into the mic I’m just gonna put a down vote it’s just disgusting you aren’t 10 my guy… it’s like Tyler perry movie doo doo jokes…. Enough already we get it you’re gassy

  3. The girl believe what she saw was the future so to prevent that she kills the guy: Hero.
    The man believe what he saw was the future so to prevent that he kills the spider women(?): Villain.

  4. Morbius has more FX action sequences but I don't think it's better than Madam Web. Dakota Johnson is hilarious as Cassandra Webb. She doesn't like people and it shows and that was great. The ending "final reveal" was awful but until then she was fun.

  5. I just have to say that, although Madam Web was not a great movie, I think people are going over the top in deriding it. My Wife and I love going to the movie theater. Over the past year, we have had to attend Marginal movies just to go. Madam Web is not the problem. It is just another symptom. Movies released over the past year in general have been marginal at best. Madam Web was not overtly horrible. It was one of many substandard movies released over the past year.

  6. I saw this movie in theaters and I walked out of there unimpressed. I really liked seeing the bad guy ripping into those cops in the subway, that was sick! As for the rest of the movie and script, definitely not good. Especially at the final climax when Cassie just magically starts using her powers right off the bat, all because some random guy tells her "that once you embrace your responsibility, then the power will come to you" (I'm paraphrasing) I was just, "wtf does that have anything to do with her powers!" That's like Yoda telling Luke that once he embraces the force, then the power will come to him. So without any form of mastery he just flies off to fight Vader. I don't even know why I called this movie "decent", it's anything but not decent at all, especially for being a quote-on-quote superhero movie.

  7. I’m watching this and I can’t even understand the plot I have never been so bored of a movie I’m like so tempted to walk out the movie right now. like the villain isn’t even a villain and his voice is so cringe like I can’t even see him as a villain a villain is supposed to be someone you would be scared of and I’m not scared of him. And the dance scene was so stupid.


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