Machinedramon VS Beelzemon!! | Digimon Card Game: BT-11 Dimensional Phase Outbreak (SEMIFINAL 2)

This is Semi-Final 2 of the Dimensional Phase Outbreak, a tournament featuring 12 decks from the 11th main booster of the Digimon Card Game: Dimensional Phase. The third deck to make it this far is Machinedramon, now confronted with the sudden intruder Beelzemon from ST14! The new support makes the Purple deck’s mill engine turbo fast while providing it with aggressive tools to end the game more efficiently. Who will emerge victorious and move on to battle Yuuga and BWGX!?

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37 thoughts on “Machinedramon VS Beelzemon!! | Digimon Card Game: BT-11 Dimensional Phase Outbreak (SEMIFINAL 2)”

  1. Analogman picked up the fallen purple D-Ark that was emitting static from the amount of damage it had taken. "Hmm, so this is the device that allowed your Digimon to evolve beyond Mega? Intriguing. If I analyse it, perhaps I can…"
    "Give it back!" Mako yelled, forcing himself to stand. "That's not yours!"
    A sour look tainted Analogman's face.
    "No, Mako! Stop!" Beelzemon roared desperately. "Don't provoke him!"
    Analogman shook his head. "How vexing. You remind me of that child who ruined my plans back in the world I came from. I've decided, this device is linked to both of you, isn't it? Machinedramon!"
    At Analogman's command, the Digimon grabbed Mako with one of its mechanical claws.
    "Mako!" Ai shrieked. "Give my brother back!"
    Analogman smirked. "Oh don't worry, I will. Once I'm done figuring out how to strengthen Machinedramon of course, though I can't guarantee he'll still be in one piece after that."
    Chuckling to himself, he boarded Machinedramon's back and the two departed for the zone of the Final Round.

    Beelzemon punched his fist into the ground and howled in frustration. After everything he'd been through, all the mistakes he'd atoned for, he believed he'd finally obtained the power to 'protect'. But had it all been for nothing? What should he and Ai do now? Ask for Takato and the others for help? But now that they'd failed their mission, he didn't know if the being that brought them to this world would even allow them to return home-
    Coming to his senses, Beelzemon looked up. In front of him stood Ai who, despite the tears streaming down her cheeks, stood firm and tall.
    "We're taking a rest," she said. "And then we're saving Mako."
    Beelzemon blinked. Had she always been this strong? Fighting back tears of his own, he regressed into Impmon and collapsed into his Tamer's arms. That's right. In this strange world, they only had each other. This was no time to give up. But first, a short break was in order. Overcome by exhaustion from their arduous battle, he let his eyelids fall… Shortly before he lost consciousness, he noticed a faint glimmer of light in the darkness that yawned in his mind – a light in the shape of an X.


    Also about this matchup, I completely believed Beelzemon was going to crush after seeing what the deck with new support was capable of during playtesting. But after recording this match, I gotta say I severely underestimated Machinedramon.

  2. Happy seeing my two favorite decks duking it out!

    Now I’m just wondering how a BT12 match between this two would go, with both of them having X forms for their strongest mons and Beelzemon gaining X forms for his whole evolution line

  3. i remember when i see attak of the heavy mobile digimon (AHMD) and i said. I wish use this effect with two digimon, machindra is too expensive unless your oponnent give you 10 memory, now we see the true power of this card with the bt11 machindra

  4. It was at that moment I realized how cracked the new Machinedra is with it‘s on delete. This deck is getting a little too much support with how expensive EX1 machinedra already is^^‘

  5. correct me if im wrong but shouldnt machinedramon and chaosdramon not have been able to attack since they didnt have rush? attack of the heavy mobile digimon only gives rush to those currently in the battle area – the others gain blitz on play ; maybe im missing something


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