Lytham Lovely

Lytham Lovely
“Look Amanda! Isn’t that a gorgeous sky?!” He said suddenly. “Let’s take a video. You’ll look amazing against all that colour…”
“But I thought we were going off for dinner.” He was just looking up at the wonderful sky, totally ignoring me.
“Oh, and just look at the windmill against that brilliant backdrop. Let’s get you in the shot. Come on.”
“But I’m not wearing anything nice. And I need to fix up my makeup. And I need…”
“Quick. We’ve only got a few minutes before the sunset fades.”

And so before I knew it I was sitting in the back of his car all flustered, just in my bra and panties trying to wriggle into suspender belt and stockings. Squirming about I manage to fasten the clips to my stocking tops. Then breathing in as much as I possibly could and holding my breath I struggle to pull up the zip on this exquisite 50s swing dress. I slid my sheer nylon clad toes in through the satin lining of the petticoat frills and pull it up into position around my slim waist. Until you have attempted to hastily change into such an outfit in the back of a car you simply can’t imagine just how tricky it is. It’s a good thing I’m only petite and flexible, isn’t it? I was so confused that I didn’t even check if anybody could see me changing.
Slipping my toes into my lovely mint high heel stiletto shoes, I’m about ready. I’ll fluff out the petticoat and skirt once I’m outside his car – there’s just no room in here. I look up to say I’m ready. Has he been watching all along in the rear-view mirror!?
Oh golly, I can’t forget checking my hair and makeup. A quick brush out, then flick of my large hoop earrings so they swing freely, a fresh application of lipstick. Then a couple of wriggly tugs of the front of my dress to position it just right and bring up enough cleavage. The dress has such fancy satin ruffles that sit over my boobs and there’s a trick to get everything in just the right position. Now I’m properly ready. I open the door and step out. Good heavens these heels are a little higher than I expected. My ankles are struggling to deal with the sudden steep angle inflicted upon them, and my toes are pushing down into the cruel point of the toes. I’ve been in flat ankle boots most of the day and this swift change into elegant woman is quite a sudden challenge. It’s also quite cold but in the rush I think a cardi might look all wrong with my frock. I decide to brave the chill.
Twisting best I can to peer down to see if my seams are straight, “Oh golly, there’s a ladder I didn’t notice.” A quick return into the car, it’s going to have to be hold-up stockings, but at least they have a lovely luxurious shine. Back on my feel I fluff out the petticoat and arrange the skirt. At last I’m ready. Now, sorry honey, tell me what you want me to do…
Well, we’d popped over to St. Annes and Lytham for a look around and a little shopping and I was now starting to get a might peckish. It had been a pleasant day and I was looking forward to a relaxing dinner somewhere followed by maybe some dancing, but now I was all in a whirl trying to obey instructions. Whilst all the passer-by’s are all wrapped up against the chilly breeze, I feel so over-exposed in this gorgeous 50s ultra-feminine dress and matching high heel shoes…
Ah well, this is the life I now live – and you know, I really wouldn’t have it any other way!
Amanda x

A little something extra:


34 thoughts on “Lytham Lovely”

  1. Amanda vous êtes magnifique et exquise, vous avez de très belles jambes, on ne peut pas rester insensible à votre beauté j'adore girl 💋👩‍👩‍👧‍👦💋👩‍👩‍👧‍👦💙♥️💕💚👄👄💋💋💋

  2. Truly scintillating in your summer frock, sheer nylons and stiletto heels Amanda. You are always spectacularly elegant, stylish and glamorous x 🌹🦵🦵👠👠👗🌷💄💋💗❣❤

  3. Girl after my own heart, love the old school vintage nylons and petticote , dress, theres somthing sexy about wearing a dress and stockings + heels that makes you feel so feminine. ❤️❤️💋💋🔥

  4. You are so delightful in your romantic retro flower print dress with sheer blousing at the bodice and matching sheer scarf, a stylish pink handbag and stiletto quite high heels that you walk in with graceful sureness. And underneath the flared skirt of your dress, oodles of flouncy feminine white petticoat. A wonderful video, and brave for you to be out in what appears to be a cool windy gray day by the sea.

  5. Amanda, may I say truly you always look absolutely stunning and gorgeous in everyway so very elegant and feminine and attractive, l absolutely like and love your 50s dress wareing stockings and suspenders, being very polite I love this look myself, ps could say more, take care and be happy and safe in everyway.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌟🌟🌟🌟💖💖💖💖👠👠💝💋💋💋💋💋💋🐣🌠🌠🌠🌠


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