It’s finally here guys, and it looks amazing!

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Avatar: Bisloba

End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
God Tier Patrons:
-Dro Ghost:
-Jim Hamilton

#lumentale #pokemonxenoverse #rpg #monstertaming #pokemon



  1. I'm so excited for this! Definitely gonna play this demo on my break at work tonight. I'm so glad I backed it. I'm just hopeful its as great with the final product as it's seeming now.

  2. There are many things that i dont really like about how this demo is looking

    the art style is very inconsisntent, with pixelart for the characters, the grass, the trees and some others things, but a completely different style for the ground, objects, buildings…
    the plants in a pot look completely different from the plants in the wild, and its such an eyesore

    then the combat is very weird, the position of the mons is not very logical, its like they arent the focal point, way too low and to one side or something, the perspective is also very weird

    the battle menu is just boring, there is no style to what is there, it looks like the normal text boxes of the game and that doesnt look good

    the pixel density of the mons is also not good really, those sprites are way too big for what they were going for, and it looks weird with the out-of-grid animation they used gen5 style, makes it look way too blurry (lampecko was just awfully blurry in that battle)

    other menus like the status in battle one is also very undercooked, the "weak" and "strong" being sideways just makes it harder to read, they could have just used symbols for that (or just put the text horizontally, it literally fits), the status effects not saying what they do is also a very huge miss, and the whole menu is just overall empty, and with its parts being too small and far appart
    the symbols they used for the types are not really legible, most of them are basically imposible to guess what they are without its name on the side (only god knows what the fuck the one under fire and ice are….)
    also the 3 types of types (redundant redundancy) just makes it feel even more filled with useless info, too much information to keep track of really
    also, attributes and types are way too similar on the menu (the title and corners are not enough, for a more understandable menu it needs to be more visually obvious, like a different background color for example, as you need the player to understand what the information given is just by LOOKING at it, not by reading)

    the crit stats are pretty much just clotting the stat menu, they really were not necessary…

    the text box on the battles being on the corner, specially the right one, is just counter intuitive, and makes it harder for the palyer to know where to look at when looking for information of what just happened in the battle
    there is a reason why every game puts it on the left or the entire bottom, because its what people will naturally look for

    the colors are also very weird, they all feel too "brown" in the menus, like they were worried about the game looking too colorful and just made every color needlessly orange, dark and not very saturated

    there is also the weird numbers on the turn order part, that is not explained in the tutorial i think, just makes it look even worse
    but speaking of tutorials, the fact that the devs thought it was necessary to put 6 tutorial windows before your first battle command, shows that they are either 1-not confident about their own system, and think no one will understand it (but didnt want to change it), or 2-dont know how to put tutorials, and think its just normal to have a whole 6 TUTORIAL WINDOWS before even the first command

    in persona 3 for example, this is fixed by every battle you do for the first dungeon, the guide of the team tells you about each of the functions of the menu, this is way more natural and less annoying for the player as an option for a tutorial in a game, instead of the intrusive "here, 20 things you need to know now, good luck"

    the command menu in the battle is also pretty lame, it lacks on any kind of visual representation of what you are doing
    1-its not too clear visually which option you are selecting
    2-too small, makes the previous point even worse
    3-none of them make it obvious what they will do without having to read the name of the command
    4-once you open one command category, it just moves to the side and gives you more, which feels very lazy

    in general, its very obvious that many of the visuals of this game are limited by the (conscious or unconscious, i dont know) attempt at mimicking the pokemon style
    its obvious when looking at stuff like the items, being straight up copies of pokemon ones, like the potion of the fruit, but also in stuff like the menu system, and specially the battle system as a whole

  3. Honestly i could not even enjoy the demo. The way the stuff around moves around makes me nausious and it makes it impossible to play the game. I hope this gets fixed or a option of turning off the way things around move. I had to stop playing cuz of how bad it was. Cant even watch this video whitout feeling the same way. So atm i cant enjoy anything of this game :C

  4. "The angel of the Lord is a watchman round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."(Psalm 34: 7)

    Do we have guardian angels-personal Angels who go out with us and go where do we go?

    I'm not sure, but I know that as believers we have angels in our lives.

    All Christians have.

    The Bible clearly teaches
    (Psalm 34: 7).

    Psalm 91: 11 says, "for he will give his angels charge over you, to protect you in all your ways."

    Hebrews 1: 14 says of Angels, "are they not all ministering spirits, sent to Minister for those who are to inherit salvation?

    Also in Hebrews, we read that some, not knowing, hosted Angels (Hebrews 13: 2).

    That's an interesting thought, isn't it?

    Maybe you met an angel.

    If you did, you probably didn't.

    I doubt an angel would tell you it's an angel (by the way, when we read about angelic appearances in the Bible, Angels always appear as male).

    No one can say whether we have guardian angels, but something Jesus said may imply that perhaps children have guardian angels.

    He said, " Be careful not to despise one of these little ones! For I tell you that their Angels in heaven are always seeing the face of my Heavenly Father" (Matthew 18:10).

    This is reassuring, knowing how easy it is for a child to get into trouble.

    But even if they don't have a personalized angel, we know that angels are part of their lives.

    Angels are part of the life of Christians.

    We have angelic activities around us every day.

    Angels work in our lives, protecting us, guiding us, and sometimes even talking to us.

    But they work undercover.

    We can describe them as Secret Agents of God.

  5. I played the demo and honestly loved it! I can NOT wait for this game to come out. My only issue so far was the text speed. But the monster design was awesome to me. And playing on the pc already feels pretty fluid. Also, love the battling!

  6. ngl I really couldn't get into this. I'm not sure if I'm missing something but the Holoken completely stopped functioning after my first few encounters, the game wouldn't let me save, and completely froze my computer when it closed. I know it is pre-alpha but you'd hope the main mechanic of your game would be functional. I'm sure it will be fixed but as a backer I'm pretty disappointed.

  7. I think when she said few of them remember it, she meant because they live so long they forget since that old woman said the city's longevity was high referring to their population

  8. A great start so far. They need more setting options for those who want to edit the controls, clearer button prompts, and an in-game guidebook. The developers are responding to feedback on their Discord fairly quick while updating the demo. The slight camera bob was resolved within a day due to complaints of motion sickness. So for those of you who are noticing aspects that could be cleaned up or expanded on, I would funnel those there because it will be seen.


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