Lue Elizondo on humanity


26 thoughts on “Lue Elizondo on humanity”

  1. What if it turns out THE SUN solar micro novas in the 20-30 year and the earth is devastated in a cataclysmic pole shift??? Are you going to tell them the richest people knew years in advance and prepared underground fallout shelters for themselves???

  2. I'm getting upset that some people have this important information and they are not sharing it. As much as I appreciate what he is doing, he should see his responsibility is to HUMANITY and not a government NDA.

  3. What exactly happened 70k years ago according to Elizondo? Homo Sapiens Sapiens are believed to have been around more like 200k years, and agriculture didnā€™t start until 10k years ago. Iā€™m confused..

  4. Theyā€™ve lived under the earth and oceans for a very long timeā€¦ they hide under the radar from us crazies on the surface just like highly advanced organized crime syndicates that have never been caught yet do.

  5. Has there ever been a person who went to jail for spilling beans about aliens and secrets? Please… Snowden was the most genuine whitleblower and had an access to literally everything and all agencies top secrets – and said he searched for aliens in the CIA and NSA files and found nothing. That settles the debate. This and many others "UAP community spokespersons" confirm they've got nothing by virtue of running circles and saying jackshit for decades.
    They should rename UAP to UIP (Useful Idiots Phenomena).

  6. Hereā€™s the funny thing ā€¦. If you listen closely and carefullyā€¦. HES TELLIN THE WORLD EVERYTHINGā€¦ RELIGIONS AN EMBELLISHED SOCIAL CONSTRUCT, and weā€™re technically a RESULT OF A COSMIC SCIENCE EXPERIMENT OR SENTIENT ZOO.

  7. @Kurt Jamungal; Elizondo has said; if average people ~knew what he knows, they would feel "Somber" . I saw what's typically known as a 'Grey' at age 5, four more encounters to 17yo . Researcher, my entire life; I hear the truth here, and the reason it's kept secret!šŸ˜® Thank you ā˜…


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