Lucy Is NOT What I Expected! Hazbin Hotel 1×5- Dad Beat Dad Reaction!

I react to season 1 episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel, Dad Beat Dad!

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21 thoughts on “Lucy Is NOT What I Expected! Hazbin Hotel 1×5- Dad Beat Dad Reaction!”

  1. My theory is that Alistor, after losing the battle with Vox [bc in episode 2 Valentino said Alistor "almost beat him (Vox)" 7 years ago], made a deal with Lilith to gain more power (or he made the deal when he got to hell to give him the power people talk about, hence why overlirds started falling so quickly after he spawned). It might be a contract similar to the one he has with Husker, and he's been helping Lilith behind the scenes with something big. I believe that's the main reason he went to Charlie is because Lilith sent him. His animosity to Lucifer could be after hearing things second hand from Lilith and wanting to be a petty bitch.
    It was said in the first episode story that Lilith thrived and empowered her people in hell. She might be gearing towards a war. She might not. I can't wait to find out šŸ˜

  2. It's not just that Alastor got so mad he swore, but how much vemon he put into it, that makes it so hilarious. Also, Given how many A-hole dads Vivienne has made, I was really expecting Lucifer to be another example. But no, he's super lovable. You can tell he cares about Charlie and he's really trying to connect with her. I never thought I'd love the Devil this much, but here we are.

  3. I personally have a theory regarding Lilithā€™s absence and what her possible goal might be. In the opening narration of ā€œOvertureā€, Charlie describes her parents as rebellious dreamers and states that after they were cast down into Hell, Lucifer lost his will to dream while Lilith thrived and went on to empower Hell and its denizens. We also know that Lucifer has seemingly decided to occupy his time and energy on frivolous projects and hobbies such as his rubber duck collection. Seeing him fall into this rut of depression was what probably led to her splitting from him, as Lucifer was no longer the dreamer she fell in love with.

    And during the seven-year absence, she somehow managed to get Alastor indebted to her, and in exchange for his freedom he needs to help her with her master plan of not only rallying all of Hell to rise up against Heaven but also to have said uprising be led by her and her family as a united front. And she plans to do this by way of getting Charlie to truly see and understand just how unjust and unfair Heavenā€™s system is and helping Lucifer get his drive back. Thus getting the rest of her family on her level, by getting her husband Lucifer to be the ruler the realm needs, and her daughter Charlie to be the future leader it deserves.

  4. Im really interested in knowing why lucifer and lilith split, seeing how nice he is Im starting to think shes into some big stuff, shes probably the one witht he big guns. I kinda wanna see her kick heaves ass šŸ˜‚

  5. I feel like we all want to see the best in Alastor because he's such a fun and cool character. But the way he threatened Husk like that didn't feel like a bluff. My theory at this point is that Lilith is his contractor and the two of them are plotting something against heaven. Which means the hotel is just a means to an end for him.

  6. Unfortunately, I'm not that impressed with Lucifer. He acts just as silly as everyone else, so there really isn't anything that makes him stand out. And for the ruler of hell to be insulted that easily…must not be great at his job. I mean, characters that have problems with their parents…it's happen plenty of times in this universe ("Helluva Boss"). I'm not saying that Lucifer and Lilith had to be perfect…but I was really hoping that they could at least always be there for each other – very much like Gomez and Morticia Addams, and how they deeply love each other so much that they can't stand to be apart. As the series goes on, I hope we learn more of what if going on…and Charlie gets her family back.

  7. If you were asking this rhetorically and didn't really want an answer, feel free to ignore, but about people being in Hell for petty things and then resorting to worse to adapt…. wiki spoilers

    This could no longer be accurate as some things have been changed from 'pilot era' to now (however, I would like to point out that a lot of specific character and story beats have remained solid for Viv for a while). This does seem to be what happened to Angel. Viv has remarked that Angel ended up falling into hard drugs and a rough lifestyle once he got to Hell (basically because 'fuck this'). In life, his family was a mob syndicate but he was frowned upon by them as he was gay and a cross dresser. Ultimately, he took his life through overdose. Suicide is deemed as a sin… If I had to peg it, I'd say that's the main thing that landed him in Hell šŸ™ From there, it seems like he's been self-destructing all the while and ultimately fell in with Valentino. We know that Valentino's smoke (and saliva?) contains a drugging effect, but I think he may also be able to…taste desperation through his spit? When he meets Charlie, the first thing he does is lick her, and then he calls her a 'beautiful specimen' and begins to try and get her to work for him. I think this sort of method is how he scopes out, in his words, 'low lives to employ'.

  8. It is confirmed that Alastor is aroace, yes

    They don't say it outright in the show, but they at least hinted at it both in the Pilot (Al:"And what can you do, my feminine fellow?" Angel: "I can suck your dick!" Al: "HA! No.") and in episode 1 (Angel talking about how they'd lure so many guests to the hotel if their commercial was him getting it on with Alastor, Al: "Never going to happen.")

  9. My theory is that Alastor wants to eventually get Charlie to make a deal with him so he can take her power for his own (or just have her under his thumb) and use it to get out of whatever deal he made with Lilith. This would explain why he can't have wildcards like Mimzy endangering his plans at the hotel and why he would see Lucifer as a threat. If Lucifer helps Charlie achieve her goals she won't need Alastor's deals. I really really want to be wrong because I love Alastor and don't want him to become an antagonist, but given what we know so far this seems to be a likely case.

  10. I think itā€™s interesting how they characterized Charlieā€™s dad. After watching Helluva Boss, we know this series is no stranger to giving characters ā€œDaddy Issuesā€. But Charlieā€™s dad isnā€™t verbally or physically abusive like Moxie or Blitzoā€™s dads. In fact he seems almost nice on the surface. His problem is mainly that heā€™s kind of selfish, and spends most of his time indulging on his own interests and doesnā€™t give Charlie the support she needs.

  11. Lucifer Morningstar was finally here.

    "More than anything"

    This Song by Lucifer and his daughter Charlie brought me and my sister to tears from yesterday until now.

    I love Lilith and Lucifer story something of this is even in demonology.

    Charlie and Vaggie are best couple.

    Vaggie's A. E. theory is finnally proved.


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