Lt. Rowdy visiting Downtown Ventura on Main Street 2 of 5 100823

The Mission of VCCRR is to deploy highly trained volunteer riders and horses in conjunction with the LAPD sworn personal for: high visibility, crime prevention, education, community outreach with children, local residents and businesses. A 501c3 nonprofit organization.


13 thoughts on “Lt. Rowdy visiting Downtown Ventura on Main Street 2 of 5 100823”

  1. Great video today! Rowdy is so good with animals. It's great to watch that interaction. It's even funnier that both are Stark White! I really enjoy your visits to Downtown Ventura on Main St.

  2. Роуди прикрасно показала себя с лайкой или хаски не знаю точно что за порода, копытом не ударила чуть чуть показала где начинается его личное пространство зубами и собака поняла это 😊 хотя эта порода собак очень игривая.


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