LS | PEAK PERFORMANCE T1 IS HERE ft. Crownie and Solarbacca | LNG vs T1


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20 thoughts on “LS | PEAK PERFORMANCE T1 IS HERE ft. Crownie and Solarbacca | LNG vs T1”

  1. Things that they didn't understand:

    1: Faker not basing in that mid gank—he was trying to taunt Jayce and outplay him using Sylas cast 2 3rd ability, but it ran out, and if it was still up, it could end up 1–1.
    2. Gumayusi cleansing when Rakan engages—it's like a reflex. As an ADC, you kind of have a muscle memory that the enemy Rakan support will use his combo on you. Fun fact: you can cleanse the charm from Rakan's ult the moment it impacts your character before the second knock-up animation kicks in, so you can cleanse and flash afterwards. That is the reason he instinctively cleansed, but props to him for holding his flash at that moment.

    EDIT: I hate to say this but the way they reacted the fight are just like a bunch of average diamond players who only knows the game in an average level as well. I mean, what did I expect from these people

  2. 1:30 there is so much more happening in this fight like insane movement and patience by T1 but all he can talk about was the Senna ult that didn't even end up mattering, LS fell off

  3. Lets just think of possibilitties in g1 that scout and tarzan missplay. When I watched that live at that exact moment during the play i thought that Scout wanted to R Faker under turret or bait Flash from Faker and then flash R him to jarvan or smth. And Jarvan panicked after miss play Scout did and tried to R Faker in a range of the turret but failed for centimeters. What do you guys think?

  4. People who claim that LNG threw are vastly underestimating the intricacies of pro-play. Tarzan was definitely having a mixture of an off-day and bad-luck, but he was still making rational decisions that just didn't work out the way he wanted.
    There were high-level thought processes to every move that these pro players made.

    For example,
    1:45 you can clearly see that just as Jarvan and Azir tried to coordinate a 2-pronged attack, Rell stuns Jarvan which caused only Azir to make a play.
    1:55 Jarvan was most likely trying to neutralize their loss by taking a chance in killing Azir with tower aggro. This was definitely a mistake, but Tarzan probably felt pressured by the loss and tried to make a hail-marry.

    For another example,
    14:45 it's funny how everybody started to steam up to Oner and IMMEDIATELY switched to flaming Tarzan once Oner got the solo kill. The level of Hypocrisy is unreal: Yall thought that Oner was making a mistake and in a matter of seconds, shifted the blame to Tarzan.
    Tarzan just got outplayed by Oner after a series of mind-games.

    And yes, mistakes happen because this is real-time game play. Not everybody can play perfectly every second, especially at the highest-stake event among the loudest crowd.

    Those who make ridiculous comments about players throwing should be ashamed of themselves. These players play with their bread and future job prospects on the line. I know yall are tilted, but I promise you that the players themselves feel MOST tilted by their own performance.

    So much Dunning Kurger effect in the comments smh

  5. All these guys do is flame whoever dies, legit never praised a good outplay lmao. Scout trolled, Oner trolled no wait Tarzan trolled, Gala trolled, Faker trolled lmao


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