Loveable Lady Happy After Rescue

While out trapping one morning, a neighbor told us about a friendly nearby who had been left behind when her family moved away. Caught without enough equipment, we scrambled to grab more so we did not miss the opportunity, but, luckily for her, a neighbor scooped her while we were en route. Welcome to Flatbush Cats Babs, we love your funny face. Thank you for making her new life possible.


28 thoughts on “Loveable Lady Happy After Rescue”

  1. its easy to underestimate just how sophisticated cats minds are and the emotional trauma being uprooted from their existence for perhaps a decade or way more very nice for your opening your heart to make it a bit less stressful

  2. Beautiful face on this sweet little girl. She is being cautious, wanting to trust but afraid it's too good to be true. Hope she is adopted quickly into a wonderful loving home where she will never have to be unsure again.


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