Our First Week Back in Texas VLOG~

Hi and welcome to my first *~weekly vlog~* !! I want to start sharing more of our life and what we’re up to when we’re not dumpster diving.. I’m still figuring out the best way to do it, and this one ended up being a lot of talking lol.. but I hope you enjoy hanging out with me and seeing more of our daily life. It was so fun and I can’t wait to share more 🙂

As always, thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day! Happy diving xoxo


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26 thoughts on “Our First Week Back in Texas VLOG~”

  1. I think it's absolutely wonderful you are checking out books and supporting your local library. I know i will check out book once to twice a month .. especially scene i got kids who read everyday for school.. and i always borrow DVD movies i love it

  2. I used to read all the time, but I then developed an eye issue inhibited my reading. Problem was solved, and now I am finally getting back into it. I have loads of books at home to read. I love James Patterson's books. I also have stacks of books that are missing covers. I rescued them from a Barnes N' Noble dumpster. I loved your blog. I am still watching it….

  3. Hi, when you have fur/hair stuck deeply into carpet put on a pair of washing up gloves and rub over the hair. You’ll find the gloves will lift it out of the carpet much better than a vacuum cleaner can. 😀🌸👍

  4. You guys are SUPPOSED to bond and become 2 halves of a whole.
    “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 1 Corinthians 6:16

  5. Hiii I love your channel. I just published my book AFTERMATH available on AMAZON a historical Drama about a Czech family who lived during many national tragedies. Tho it is written in a novel format ALL the subjects in the chapters are documented. Spoiler Tissue Needed. I would love TO send you an autographed copy if you provide me contact info. Ck my YouTube channel for more about this family 🌸

  6. I also prefer reading to movies because when I read, I can envision in my mind what the words are telling me, in a movie I am looking at the directors idea of what should be and sometimes for me that doesn't match. I really love your spirit Kelly and I want to thank you for all the videos you put out,. I don't care if you don't talk or talk a lot. I like your videos because I have a lot of issues and don't leave my home very often and I find comfort in your videos because of your spirit.

  7. Nice to see you living a normal life, doing normal things!
    Also, all human beings cycle in and out of depression. And Krishnamurti said that it’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society. So, hang in there ❤️

  8. Kelly, I love this vlog. Seeing you and Alex in your natural habitat is really nice. Thank you for sharing about your anxiety and depression, it helps others to know they are not alone in the struggle. You guys are such a good example of a couple who is trying to develop your individuality as well as work/live as a couple!! BTW, I cry at the end of books also. I develop a huge connection with the characters and then I feel a sense of loss when it's over.

  9. I have followed u guys for about 7 mths I enjoy everything your dives your road trip and the vlog today you guys are so sweet! Have a question do you make your living from dd or do you have jobs in addition to All you do,can't wait to see more of u guys!!

  10. I really enjoyed this vlog and I'm glad you're going to start doing weekly one's of your life. I totally agree regarding having separate lives. One of my main reasons is God forbid if something happened to your partner, you can't be dependent on anyone to make your life, huge reason is, it's not fair to the person you are depending on. Also, happy you're not buying all the water bottles. I bought the large Britta system with the 6 month filters, love it!

  11. Hope you don’t mind me asking but do you plan on getting another dog. I know it is different for everyone… some people want another quite soon after losing one and some people take a long time to feel ready. You both are great dog parents ❤

  12. Everybody needs (or wants or hopes) for alone time. It makes it more exciting when you get back together.
    Men need at least one full time job, most women enjoy that too.
    Love your channel❤️🥰🙏🏻


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