Lost Ark MMO – Thank goodness it's free

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20 thoughts on “Lost Ark MMO – Thank goodness it's free”

  1. With how easy it is, so boring, I'm hoping it's an extra long tutorial. I hear it's all about end game so I assume there's a real game that starts soon. Also level 20 is 50 minutes, as my friend that created a new character to play with me showed lol

  2. Instance based MMOs are still MMOs, if only for a lack of a better term for the sub genre. Guild Wars 1 was the model of these instance based MMO games and it was a brilliant game. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand completely changed direction and is a full on MMO, no instances or anything.

  3. Never have I heard a review that is so poorly done with as little grasp of the game as possible. If the rest of his videos are like this I'll just avoid the channel as a whole. I'm no fan boy, it's just half of the first 20 things he said were either wrong, misunderstood or a complete lie/exageration. Not useful.

  4. Hey Mac, love your video's, but let's have a honest chat about Lost Ark. I'll be honest and say that I love the game and wanna defend it tooth and nail, Even if the game has parts of that are objectively bad by MMO or gamer standards. So would you be willing to say in all fairness and honesty, that this review was done unfairly?

    We can start with, well the start. I agree that gender locked classes are not something everyone is into and that oversexualization on BOTH male and female can take away from the game. But usually these aren't deal breakers, just eye rolls at the start and then you get on with it. That's a fair and good point. You do say that you have your Tanks, Supports, Healers, DPS( 1:40 ) as a reference to the usual Architypes in a MMO, but this is incorrect as each class does Damage along with being able to do something else(Example a Bard is a DPS with a supportive theme or gunlancer is the tankist of the DPS).

    If other players are a necessary part of the MMO experience, how much does the average player need to interact with other players while doing quest or traveling from one zone to the next. I feel like the average player only interacts with other players through Dungeons/Guilds/Trade Chat. If this is incorrect, I'll withdraw that criticism. Lost Ark has over 50 channels that you can instant into like you stated, but doesn't this mean I don't have to fight with someone over killing bears for paws or who can mine the ore vein faster? It gives me a sense of comfort knowing that I wont be harassed excessively( a little world PvP never hurt anyone imo) over the smallest quest thingy. I guess we need to define what an MMO player count/ player interaction is before we can debate. Otherwise we disagree fundamentally and thats okay! I still respect you and your opinion's as i hope you respect mine.

    Lastly, playing a game for 11 hours (especially an MMO) is something that I think the average person would agree, is not a fair and honest shake of a game review. Now playing a game for a set amount of time and finding it boring, that's 100% within your rights to criticize. Correct me if i'm wrong, but don't other MMO's not pick up in challenge (or story) until many hours later? I assume the purpose of starting out small or even one-shotting anything and everything, is to get you comfortable with your class and abelites. The average WoW player takes over 100 hours to go from 1- 60 in classic and over 30 hours in modern(again correct me if I'm wrong). Now that game might have more up's and down's in terms of difficulty throughout your leveling but we can all agree that in any good game, later levels have harder difficulty. I feel if you attempted 1 of the "harder/later game dungeons" that you would see that the game does take the training wheels off and is ready to kick your ass.

    All in all, i think this review would have been completely fine if you just stated " hey this MMO aint for me, its got stuff I'm just not into and I won't play the end game stuff and I'll take the blame for that". I still respect you for doing this video, and respect your views on this great game(my bias showed again i know i know). Great jokes as always, keep up the good work.

    P.S. Story sucks, we can all agree on that =(.

  5. Why do people refer WoW as end all be all MMO. The only reason you require different classes for boss raid in that game due to the simple fact that the bosses and high level enemies are damage sponges in that games whereas in this one can easily beat them.

  6. Mac should have given this more time – the review is a little disingenuous. There's loads of people that you see in the world, just depends where you are. If you don't like these games then that's fair enough, but a number of the points raised in this review fall short because of the very minimal time played.
    I suggest giving it a go (to anyone on the fence), it's free after all and you may just find you enjoy it – but give it enough time unless it really rubs you up the wrong way.

  7. Incredibly biased rant. You experienced approximately 2% of games content and judged it by it not being the game you imagined, instead of game it is. And it is a great game, it unwraps it's content slowly, it adds the difficulty and character systems after much longer than you gave it before shitting all over it. You say it is linear, I say it is streamlined! Trust me, in endgame you will have so much freedom you will be lost. It has amazing art, animation and character design, its about the power fantasy, why complaining about the fact you one shot 20 mobs? That's what people love about the game, it gets more difficult later (+ you played THE one shot class). All the currencies have their place and meaning, the randomness in crafting can be mitigated but is there to provide endless power creep for no-life players (who will grind for hours or spend 1k for 50% chance to get 0.5% stronger) absolutely all can be achieved by just playing, it is the same system GW2 has, which is pay2play. Hope it was not meant as review, people should give it a shot if they like the aesthetic.

  8. you actually start at level 10 after u finish or skip the tutorial, so u got 11 more levels after 11 hours of playing, somehow, dont know how tbh, i got to 50 in 18 hours while never skipping a single quest i found on the way, also max lvl isnt 50 its 60, at 50 you unlock the endgame stuff. i'd recommend you give it another try and get to 50 and check out some endgame stuff, its not 4000 hours its 20-25 max to reach endgame if u're super slow. or dont, its your choice. but i feel like u're missing out honestly, i dont like most of the stuff u talked about either but its whatever, what matters is there, its fun to play and grind is very enjoyable

  9. I was watching a streamer who was one-shotting every mob as well and he was asking why is it so easy. The design seems like it's made for casuals and for addicts pretty much. That's why all the rewards like it's a mobile game and the easy difficulty, it's meant for a more immature audience to hook them up to pay for stuff in the cash shop when at 50 they spike the difficulty artificially. Big breasts also sell. Also I agree with the instanced shit, it's basically a casual singleplayer/coop game at most, nothing massive about it. Valheim is more of an mmo than this trash.

    Some people are mentioning "Mortal Online 2". I wish you will try it out at some point (once servers stabilize I see people say), it looks interesting


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