How To Quickly PROTECT Your ENERGY And Raise Your VIBRATIONS Permanently

During the day, we expend mental energy – whether making decisions, completing difficult tasks or dealing with people who, in some cases, have toxic characteristics.


18 thoughts on “How To Quickly PROTECT Your ENERGY And Raise Your VIBRATIONS Permanently”

  1. Happiness is the key 💯💯💯, God is the greatest and I will continue serving him till I’m no more. Having a fresh $14k coming every week ain’t no joke. I can help out now and support the Lord’s work ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I haven't listened to the whole video yet, (I'll do it later) but I just want to comment on diet. If you haven't tried a zero-carb diet you might want to try it for 2 or 3 months to see if your energy levels improve and stabilize. There is groundbreaking evidence these past few years showing/proving that a meat based diet is optimal for human beings. "Carnivore" plus Liberation from the false sense of self truly is the natural state of health and consciousness. The only way to know for sure though is to experience this for yourself. 🙌

  3. I just wanted to say thank you for the meditations however I also wish to say that it's important to see that in the writing in this specific video there is incongruencies with the correctness of what the subtitles are saying so I'm politely asking you to create more Precision through the visual subtitles and what's being said verbally thank you so much for this opportunity you are so appreciated😊🎉❤

  4. Wow I def needed to hear this!
    I ask that anyone who reads this please send loving healing energies to my granny, who I currently live with. Prior to moving in with her some five years ago, I was just beginning to experience a deeply profound spiritual transition after a couple years of relentless research and many long months dedicated meditating, applying mantras, mudras, trataka, sun gazing, daily banishing and invoking rituals and anything else I could use to get me out of the horrid life-ruining addictions and depression that the plagued me for so long. It finally happened four months in and I lost it all sadly only one month after moving in with my grandma. She’s not a very positive role model or grateful person at that so needless to say, I fell backwards into depression and then addiction shortly after and it has been a long drawn out struggle ever since. Its been five years n I’m forcing myself to find any means possible to get clean and try again, but I feel like I’m trapped under the heavy negative energy try To get myself out of this darkness any way possible. So here I am, looking up videos and researching yet again…I’m always looking for other like minded ppl. Support is very much needed in these situations and I’m not giving up this time regardless

  5. @ 9:30 There it is, "Choosing foods that nurture our body and spirit is essential"… etcetera. Research how the meat of ruminant animals, organ meats and free-range chicken eggs compare with all other foods which you believe to be healthy. I learned this stuff upwards of 3 years ago and my body-mind has been grateful ever since. I share this knowledge with love for my fellow humans who are seeking a more peaceful and loving society.

  6. "LIFE The Real Self" does NOT Vibrate ! Vibration involves Dimension BUT "LIFE The Real Self" is Non-Dimensional, and in NO WAY represents nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species !


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