– Lost Ark – Don't Spend ANY MONEY

Join me in this Lost Ark video as we talk about why it’s probably not a good idea to spend money on this game.

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36 thoughts on “– Lost Ark – Don't Spend ANY MONEY”

  1. Honestly those who truly believe that there is a "Best Class" in this game are the same idiots that believe in tier lists in every game like in Genshin Impact. Just play the damn game and pick a class YOU ENJOY. damn.

  2. In all honesty, Lost Ark already has a pretty decent progression system. Compared to alot of those garbage cash grab MMOs out there where there are no failstacks, chance to break/drop a level, regressing instead of progressing, I would actually say Lost Ark developers have a decent conscience.

  3. i was just fishing every day for a few hundred gold each day. adds up. i think a large chunk of the money people spend is on the daily/weekly shop items like harmony items or rapport/card items.

  4. f2p here and got me skins, mounts, pets that I wanted. Saved my shards for upcoming update w 100% hoaning from t1 to t2. while making gold yee. worth while making golds. Slowly but surely.

  5. So, I'm f2p and I have 13.300 gold so far. I'm at ~1090 and got 200 hours playtime omegalul kekW
    my biggest twink is 420 – not kidding, it's a mage who solo's the raids for the crystals (on the others i make random runs) -ez ez pz
    I safe that gold for lategame we'll see. Ill proof the world everybody's wrong that lost ark is p2w. 🙂

  6. The prices likely have to do with demand also. The tier one would have the higher demand which will drive prices up. I only spend 20 dollars on that crystal deal and that’s all I plan on spending. At the end of the day the company does deserve some compensation from me. I’m slow rolling it though doing side quests and such. I find when I try to rush I run into disappointment.

  7. most efficient way to make gold? lock your character in 1340 and sell all the T3 mats, 3 to 4k per day currently on my server, per character of course, no other way of making consistent gold like this

  8. Exactly. Some people spend so much money gearing up a character, only to then get to the end game and realize there's nothing else to do. So they start a new character. lol

    You can only run the hardest content in the game once a week. So after you do that, there is NOTHING for you to do in your main anymore, other than look for Mokoko Seeds or going for Ignea Tokens. This is quite sad when you think about it. The hard/fun content is literally inaccessible after you complete it.

    At least you can run Guardian Raids over and over, but it's not as fun. I don't see this game lasting for too long if this is what players have to look forward to. What's the point of improving your gear if you only really get to play once a week?

  9. All true im now 1336 and faild 3 times honing when was 70 percent!!!!! t3 is nuts i get it if will be below 50 percent but 70 percent and still faild honing 3 time its crazy

  10. right right, dont spend any money at all, not for skins, mounts, pets or anything you want 8even mats if youw ant them), because thesservers work on air, love and good wishes alone and the developers dont need any compensation. DO NOT SPEND MONEY, because all of the above is for free in the world of capitalism….. /s
    a better take and a better title would have been "spend your money responsibly", if you ahve the money and youw ant something shiney, pay for it, if you can realy afford it, if not then dont. if you dont ahve the money and want skins, farm gold and get them for free from someone that spend money. btw another fallacy in the video, to get the skins for gold out of the shop, someone somewhere has to pay for it, even its not yourself. so saying noone should ever pay any money is completly wrong.

  11. This why people laugh at whales and urge them to spend more. They are Fucken idiots just burning through money for no improvement. Then when they get to endgame they have no idea how the game works and just pay gold for carries.


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