Lore Explanation | Fortnite: Fracture

Fortnite’s Chapter 4 live event: Fracture was incredibly confusing as to what was going on with the lore. Thankfully I’m here to give you the rundown as for what exactly happened, what we know, and what we don’t!
#codeGummyoshi #epicpartner

Golden Gummies
TrillAce – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmboMUWuDshwriEBCJo4nXA/
MxMx –


44 thoughts on “Lore Explanation | Fortnite: Fracture”

  1. You got a lot of things wrong about the lore the loop was destroyed in Chapter 3 Season 2 so the battle Royale still going on is not canon the Paradigm was helping to reforge the island with the zero fusion she’s not creating the loop again

  2. Question we need answers to:
    1: Why did we start on the island?

    2:How and why did the Harald chrome herself and die?

    3: What caused the island to blow up?

    4: Did or How did the Paradime die?

    5: Why is the loop still around?

    6: Does the island only cover the top half or both? If only the top half, people can still get to the bottom so what is the point of the top half.

    7: Why is the Geno snapshot only here now when he left the loop back at the end of season 2?

  3. There was a deleted scene I’m not sure if you saw, but after the island exploded, a mothership did come and try to take the zero point, with the zero point destroying the ship and, flew away? Since the Herald is connected to the Last Reality, maybe her goal was to let out a massive amount of energy so that the mothership could either track the zero point to take it or just so there was nothing in the way to prevent them from taking it. At the end of the deleted scene when the zero point flew off, it looked like a few chrome balls chased after it, so maybe the Herald is potentially still alive if she was made of chrome or it consumed her? Definitely interesting to see where the story will go next. Great video analysis!

  4. Interesting analysis, the lore of Fortnite is definitely wild, but with careful examination of the story as a whole everything should make sense. Just looking at one piece of the lore can make things confusing, but once you start from the beginning it’s starts to make sense. Still confusing though but it somehow flows. You just have to remember the main groups of the lore, the I.O., the Seven, the Last Reality, and the Nothing, plus whatever comes next 😅

  5. There was nothing about The Seven not liking the loop. They just didn't like how the I.O were kidnapping and forcing people to battle in the loop.

  6. I really feel like the fracture event was unfinished, considering all of the teasers and hype that weren’t lived up to and the literal unfinished cutscene from the event with the last reality ship attempting to absorb the zero point. So much stuff went unexplained, it just felt all like a bunch of disconnected pieces that were haphazardly fused together- wait that’s literally what the event was

  7. I think the paradigm remade the loop because it was the only way the reality would survive
    The seven will probably try to find a way to protect reality and end the loop or most likely make the loop voluntary

  8. My personal theory about how the event began is that we, as you said, started at the end, that Island we began on being the same island we waited for chapter 4 on, and the TV turning on was basically the first flashback of the event as we watch and play out everything that had just happened to The Loop and The Zero Point

  9. Geno’s description said “a snapshot left to rule a kingdom “ so that’s a snapshot of geno but AMIE in the quests keeps saying that she’s having thoughts of taking over us loopers sense the paradigm and everyone else is gone so I think AMIE is the villain

  10. Heres where the seven actually are…
    Foundation – Unknown
    Paradigm – on chapter 4, but unknown where.
    Imagined – unknown.
    Order – unknown.
    Visitor – Dead.
    Scientist – Dead.
    Origin – Dead.
    Jones – Unknown
    Amie (the a.i) – Still with us.

    Edit: added Jones and Amie cuz why not.
    Edit 2: a reply convinced me otherwise

  11. bro do some digin
    1 in the tv scene we know by the bytes quest tht the nothing communicates through tvs for some reason
    2 tht was not the nothing but herald is like a servant to the nothing like bytes he is yet to be revealed
    3 paradim made us remake the loop because she wasnt against it and thus she was kicked out for a long time but they got her truest back after defeating the io she made us remake the island cuz if 0 point gone we gone and everything is gone so she make us rebuild the map to protect it and us
    4 the seven arent dead like tf she tells to tell scientist and in the beggining cutsecene after the whole island is destroyed we clearly saw us loopers become crome and we survived its simple as tht
    5 paradigm death goodbye scene was there because zero fusion is dangerous and can make black hole like last time and she could die from it idk how she would die but ok

  12. No,the 7 definitely didn't die,then HOW,did the looper survive if they got exploded as well? I mean sure,it might be because they still in a loop but that just doesn't make sense because how do they even breath in space? They would keep dying and dying rather than floating around until the zero point catch them

  13. They can destroy the battle royale but not how you think 🤔. With creative 2.0 many people would create their maps, event and storyline, epic sure would do that. So they can implement it to their story. First, zero point gets destroyed and scattered to its reality, second every fragment creates a new planet (creative 2.0) and epic can create their own little worlds that leave more freedom to explore the zero point and the lore.


    I fucking want epic games to make a small book which explores different realities of original characters well-known and most preferably less known characters. Telling about their world, their last days there and what went after they disappeared. I want it to be explored more. For example if they return to their original realities, they will return years after, moments after or nothing changed. We saw it in the batman comics but it wasn't explored so much. I would love to know the original reality of nezumi


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