Lonely Boy Takes Time Traveling Pills & Only Uses For Girls

Movie: Zanox2022

While participating in a pharmaceutical experiment for the anti-anxiety medication called Zanox, Misi realizes that consuming a specific fruity brandy, while on the pill, triggers an unexpected side effect – time travel. In an attempt to prevent the tragic fate of Janka, his beloved, Misi uses his power, but soon realizes the grave consequences of his actions. Desperate, Misi turns to Dr. Gyula, the physician in charge of the experiment, to help him set things straight.

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35 thoughts on “Lonely Boy Takes Time Traveling Pills & Only Uses For Girls”

  1. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  2. Hmmm.. interesting film/idea of a 'time-loop' trigger by drugs, and not done with/by Hollywood but a Hungary production. Your Vid was good voice, music track and a great recap/description, very well done. Your Vid also added to the 'time-loop' genre, I never heard of this movie before, only England and America films. JUST read the IMDB stuff, the writer/director ,, same guy, with long history of being in the film industry, and then '05-25-77' came forward, strange day I am having.
    We all have so-called 'time machines', but they all seem to work in one direction.. forward, dang bed.

  3. Honestly finally a time traveler movie that not only makes sense on how it works but the ending of it works really well. It doesn’t try to make a bs conflict out of the time paradox jest as a stupid filler like the movie butterfly effect. Honestly I love how he gets the girl of his dreams with out doing the hole BS the hole learn exactly what the girl likes and wants just to manipulate her into falling in love with him. I’m this one she already like him and he already likes her they did know that though so wen I’m different times they made there moves they ware meant to be together and to have that guy at the end save everyone and not screw around with how things are is great. But it also falls into the hole thing ware this is a video game world and the pills are a save point it’s like the Ying yang symbol, it has good and bad the pills work alongside the drink, and the good is shown by saving a life, and the bad is shown by cheating on the lottery, as simple as it is. but it doesn’t work without the other half with out knowing it. And you can choose different paths as you go forward.


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