Lockheed F-104 – price of leadership

The Lockheed F-104 Starfighter is a supersonic fighter aircraft created by Lockheed in the mid-1950s. The world’s first production aircraft capable of breaking the Mach 2 barrier.
The F-104 was created based on the experience of the Korean War of the 1950s according to the ultimate concept of achieving maximum flight speeds and altitudes. To suit these parameters, the design and all solutions of the aircraft were optimized, which made it a record jet for a long time.
The F-104 became popular in the export market, with most fighters produced under license outside the United States.
However, achievements in speed and altitude characteristics cost the Starfighter a significant deterioration in others, which became the cause of operational difficulties, many accidents and disasters.

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00:00 – Starfighter
00:36 – Lessons from Korea
03:05 – The XF-104
05:18 – Test flights
08:07 – Records and service at NASA
09:46 – The price of success
13:14 – NATO
14:21 – The widowmaker
16:00 – Mister contradiction


31 thoughts on “Lockheed F-104 – price of leadership”

  1. Minor correction and probably just because you don't speak English as your first language, but the AIM-9 was not "ubiquitous" at that time. The F-104 was one of the first aircraft to use it, definitely the first USAF fighter. It was designed for the USN originally.

  2. Okay, more major correction. The F-104 was an interceptor, it was designed to intercept bombers. That's why it has poor range, and extreme speed, climb and altitude. It was not meant to dogfight. It was designed as an interceptor and then they tried to use it as an air superiority fighter and fighter-bomber.
    Maybe when to say they "now favored interceptors" you are thinking of the larger all-weather types like F-106 and F-110, but the F-104 is a pure an interceptor as you will find.

  3. Can you please, pretty please do the Su-7 and the -20/22??? That is even cooler than the f-104. And the Su-9/11. And the Mig-19. But especially the Su-7. So mean and sexy looking.

  4. a college of me, as a boy, watched an F-104 accident: two planes were flying low and fast over his father's farm in Germany. Suddenly a bang and a fireball. The second F-104, a little lower than the first, hit into a hill in the woods behind. The pilot had no chance!

  5. My dad was a Zipper IP in the 60's at Luke AFB. His take on the 104's air to air combat capabilities: Never, ever engage the enemy on his terms. Learn to love the vertical. Boom & Zoom or Slash & Dash. He absolutely loved the 104. Everytime he would land at a different AFB during a cross country hop, he would goose the throttle while taxiing, giving off the famous J-79 "Woo! Woo!"

  6. The F-104 was effective against ground targets in Vietnam and the FACS who put in the strikes were pleased with the accuracy and timeliness of its delivery. Obviously it could not deliver as much ordnance as heavier aircraft.

  7. I had a First Officer that flew speed trials for records in one of these Cat Scalders low, level. He said that a very serious limitation was
    for how long you could maintain max speed low level due to surface heat generation.


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