Live With the Fiber Tribe! August 24th 2022

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23 thoughts on “Live With the Fiber Tribe! August 24th 2022”

  1. ouchie! Yellow jackets 🐝 hurt and are mean. They don’t have a barb on their stinger so they can just keep stinging you :(, so one of them might have gotten you twice. Honey bees use caution to only sting if you are a danger to them because they will die, so generally, if don’t bother them they don’t bother you (well except for the african honey bees, they are mean and will chase you for a long way, up to 1/4 of mile!). make a paste with water and baking soda, put that on the sting, the sooner the better, it helps with the pain. Also lavender essential oil will help with the pain.

  2. Missed the live …. Got the notice after it was over. I was sitting here finishing up threading heddles on my 4 harness loom. At least I can listen while I hemstitch and get started. Sorry about 🐝 stings!!!

  3. I hope you're okay! Getting stung is no joke–bees are so mean spirited! At least the ones that aren't honeybees! lol. Also? I'm totally jealous of you just sitting there knitting without even looking at your project. Witchcraft! *Insert gif of Shia LeBouf wiggling his fingers here…

  4. Yellow jackets are especially mean – I also don't think they leave their stingers behind! I'm working so hard on my shawl that I forgot to ply last weekend! I hope all of the Fiber Tribe is doing well.

  5. Hope you feel better. They hurt for awhile. I started spinning after a 30 year stoppage. I found out again how relaxing it is. Really enjoying it. Thanks for inspiring me to spin again.

  6. I don't watch these lives on my phone so I will probably have to catch them all later. I ordered 8oz. of the raspberry glitz that came in the July box. I should have enough to have some options now. Your socks are cool! Blessings.


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