LIVE TORNADO OUTBREAK potential tomorrow (Tuesday) centered around Mississippi

MODERATE RISK has been issued across a large part of the Mid-South from East TX through eastern AR, northern LA into MS. Memphis is included in the moderate risk area. I will be activating storm chase mode for this setup. Stay tuned.


31 thoughts on “LIVE TORNADO OUTBREAK potential tomorrow (Tuesday) centered around Mississippi”

  1. Its always nice to see your updates Reed! It's comforting to know you are always on Over Watch for dangerous systems like this. Great to see you and Dominator 3 link up again in South Dakota!👍👍👍👍

  2. My father/grandparents were in the 1985 Albion PA tornado. Tornados are pretty rare here so when an F4 wiped out the town it was shocking.

    They were having dinner when someone ran to door. He was distressed thinking a bomb had gone off downtown apparently there was no signs of a storm coming. They realized it was a tornado running to the basement just in time. The house was lifted off the foundation but everyone was okay. We take for granted the early warning system we have in our pocket.

    Another crazy detail I didn't know until recently was that it was a tornado outbreak. Not only that but an F2 during that outbreak went down the same road I live on today.


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