LIVE Timcast Holiday Hangout, Drama, Threats, And QnA

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35 thoughts on “LIVE Timcast Holiday Hangout, Drama, Threats, And QnA”

  1. re the Adam thing, I didn't start listening till after all of this…. but sounds like the classic Bible story where Abraham and Lot needed to split…

  2. Adam's story makes more sense.. This is laughably bad. You're told to talk about a topic X for two and a half hours and instead you give a 2 hour prologue that's all about Y. It's so obvious that you're omitting so much here. I don't hate you, and nor do I believe anyone who watched Adam's video does, but we certainly dislike you for how dishonest you have been and are being even now, and with you addressing this situation now it's anything but an addressal. I always knew you looked too good in the public eye and knew something had to be off and this whole situation kind of confirmed that. I hope you stop being as stubborn as you are one day but I doubt it.

  3. Shame on Adam for airing personal dirty laundry. Relationships are messy, business can be messy, business with friends IS messy. Tim has his faults for sure but I challenge any of you that are dogging Tim; is your life perfect? Do any of you not have bad relationships with family or old friends? You hate Tim so your piling on but you live in a glass house. You're pathetic.

  4. Adam seems like a total bish, Adam should have done his own shit. This drama crap he spewed just shows that he needed the drama to be revelant. I didn't know who Adam was until he started this drama and yt pushed it on my recommendations.

  5. 48:12 Tim WAS a superstar with a beanie back in 2016! The mainstream media then was the lamestream…they didn't have a clue about anything, especially how come Trump won. Tim, Luke R. and the Deplorables who went to the election ball…they were exciting new faces.

  6. I actually really enjoyed this. The candid chat, it's kind of nice sometimes.

    Secondly, I'm really glad that you responded in some fashion. With both perspectives, things make a lot more sense.

    I wish that I had never been involved. As a viewer, I feel that it's none of my business. But here we are.


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