LIVE: Piers Morgan Uncensored | 13-Sep-22


45 thoughts on “LIVE: Piers Morgan Uncensored | 13-Sep-22”

  1. Is the female journalist on the left drunk?anyhow , I want Ukraine to take care of Ukraine. America is funding 90% of this while we have states w/o proper drinking water and illegals pouring in .

  2. The United States is in just as dire position..
    On Prince Andrew, there where thousands of head officers with Epstein but the media seems to just make it about Andrew..
    Harry is the biggest disgrace.. I don’t believe Harry was ever put in danger during his tours

  3. Good grief Piers, those two women you had on to discuss Andrew's ability to wear his military uniform did nothing but shout over each other. Please don't have these two on again. Waste of time as I learned nothing as you couldn't make out what points they were trying to make due to all their bloody shouting!

  4. In defense of Prince Andrew who I don't much care for one way or the other, He was pressured to settle in light of the fact of the Royals not wanting a drawn out court battle and all the bad press in the lead up to the Queen's Birthday and Platinum Jubilee. My recollection was that the Duke of York wanted to go to trial and was strongly urged to settle. I think that Andrew likely didn't think he would have to 'retire' but would just lay low until the right time to return. Whether it was the Queen or others as well in the Royal Firm, I think he likely was led to believe initially that he would not be out forever. Her Majesty knowing all of this and it being her own funeral, probably thought Andrew should be allowed the dignity of wearing the uniform since he did do as was demanded by the crown, and did not fight a court battle and settled, along with the stepping away from Royal duties and other censures he received. On the other hand Harry not only turned his back on the Royals, his own family, but he has talked trash and tried to undermine the institution while his Uncle (who has undoubtedly poor judgement on many things) did at least tow the family line the past 4 years. So there is that fundamental difference especially to the Queen and in regards to how she wants particular members of her family to be regarded at the time of her remembrance. It's a simple matter of it's what the Queen wants and in a matter of family as well also State. I'm sure the Queen felt very strongly while taking a pragmatic approach to her decision as to who wears what and why.

  5. Those within the royal family knew how sick Prince Philip was for some time, and knew how sick the Queen was for the past year. Harry and Meghan knew too, yet they callously and cruelly betrayed their family, told lies about them and caused an already painful time for the Queen and Prince Philip to be almost unbearable. Harry is a dimwitted traitor and has no right to wear his uniform for what he's done. He doesn't deserve his title. He certainly does not deserve to be in the line of succession. Andrew, on the other hand stayed loyal to his family. That so-called "journalist" acts as if she knows some secret and Piers has determined that he's guilty, when what Andrew did, KNOWING THAT HIS MOTHER WAS DYING, was spare her the ignominy of a public trial in an American court that would have been sensational and RUINED the Queen's Jubilee year! And the woman who has accused him is extremely shady – she "lost" the only "incriminating" photo so no one can prove if it's actual evidence. Also, she is being sued at this moment in an American court for procuring young woman for Epstein – she was no innocent! I'm not a fan of Andrew; he showed bad judgment in not breaking off the relationship with Epstein, but that does not prove guilt! THE QUEEN wanted him there, she supported him, and she loved him, so CASE CLOSED. He's lost his mom and his dad, and he's given up his titles and military honors, and I believe, had the Queen not been so sick for the last year, and had it not been her Jubilee celebration, he would have fought the charges. Maybe if Piers had the courtesy to allow Lady Hervey to speak, and if he and the "journalist" didn't have such closed, narrow minds, maybe they could have learned something instead of shouting their ignorant assumptions. I don't feel an ounce sorry for Harry. He is a cold, heartless reptile and made the wonderful Queen suffer above measure. The fact that she retained her Christian forgiveness and refused to fight back shows what a wonderful lady she was. I'm American and I will love her forever, and because I love her, I have nothing but contempt for Harry and his wife, who ABUSED her!

  6. Unlike Vanessa Feltz's uncalled for unfair and rude treatment of her guest, Angela Levin, Pierce Morgan, navigating his lady guests and himself, knew how to do his job.

  7. There was a reason he was called bunker harry – who had a penchant for making racial slurs about fellow soldiers while laughing like an ignorant 8 year old – who went to the lion king and peddle the whingers voice over talents for 30 shekels of silver – instead of attending an important event for the royal marines. By the way andrew should not be wearing it either – child sex exploitation – they want to be careful here lol

  8. Piers, and others
    Watch this! Meghan at the end while William was waving I wondered why Meghan wasn’t waving I rewatched this several times. Because she has a recorder on her left front hip! Watch her take her right hand slowly reach to her left front hip. Push up something in her dress in the front left side.. then when William looked at her to walk past her to leave to right side of car she placed her left elbow over her hip where she moved the device or whatever it was up so he wouldn’t see it! Ya! I also saw another picture showing something on her left hip this only confirmed it was falling down her dress!

  9. Is it really so much to ask that people in the UK take ONE day…ONE day….out of their lives to honour the person who gave over 25,000 days of her life in service for her country?

    To me, one day doesn't seem outrageous at all.

  10. Her loss is enormous of course but I’m so thankful that she didn’t linger in pain or experience diminished mental faculties. She exited like she lived in her own way! I think she knew she would die in Scotland,she planned it that way.

  11. As an American I have always admired the Queen , especially her devotion to family and service. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this momentous occasion. Long live the King and God bless the Queen

  12. Dear Piers Morgan, why don't you inform your viewers that you, as part of the mass media, make billions on the back of the Royal Family? And how do you justify your "right" to judge every move of every Royal ? On the £ 1.50 that you, and every tax payer, got out of your pocket last year? £ 1.50 that is all you pay……I would pay more out of my own pocket if we had such a system in my country….I suggest that you and your channel make it a habit of informing the viewers correctly. For eg. that the Royals average over 3000 engagements each year to support the British morale, confidence and to promote real values.

  13. Hervey is right. And Piers, try to get your info right, Andrew never paid money to the accuser, he paid money to her charity, for a reason. Andrew put his life on the line during the Falklands war, Hazza had to send his socks forward to get them washed in Afghanistan. Big difference.

  14. These two sanctimonious men who have caused so much grief ,to the QUEEN for her last years of hers and Prince Phillip lives, should never ever be wearing uniform because they have not respected the significance of what the uniforms stands for.

  15. King Charles really hit the ground running 🏃‍♂️ . So admirable & incredible that he walked such a long distance behind the hearse to St Giles. So happy & relieved when he reached. It was nail-biting.
    Salute 🫡 to him & his siblings for their devotion dedication & duty to their mum & Queen. And a special applause to The Princess Royal the unsung hero 👏. Hope the 2 troublemakers have the decency to keep quiet during this mourning period 🤫.

  16. Dear Piers, I hope I never witness another interview like that again. I wanted to listen to each person's opinion, but that was impossible because you each kept interrupting and talking over one another. Pour form.

  17. He just reminded me of my dad when he was really really exhausted from work and didn't stop and he had lost both his parents, he would snap if something simple went wrong… he never did it to us…. he's a human being whose going through hell right now…

  18. Only a fool would believe that Harry "deserted" his country. Every human being in the world has a right to his own destiny and for anyone to act as a dictator preventing this freedom is likened to the Mafia. H & M asked to "step down" from their roles and subsequently was shunned completely by the rf, media, and public. H & M was deserted by thier own family, media, and public.

  19. The royal family are evil monsters, they cherry picked Diana for her bloodline!!! To give them an heir to the throne!!! Charles was a known homesexual still is using his cousin Camilla as a cover!!!! They set Diana up with Hewitt hoping to divert Diana from the truth and to try to destroy her credibility!! They killed Diana and they had planned it from day 1.

  20. The uk monarchy trafficked me to France to Tom Cruise 1995 I was aged 13, assaulted &molested where he exposed his tiny genitals. Ghislaine maxwell was there as was Nicole kidman. Now the uk monarchy have targeted RAPED and tortured my children passing them around to PAEDOPHILES WITHIN THE UK ESTABLISHMENT.

  21. It is my opinion that is should not be a surprised that CBS made sure that this footage was made public. Harpo's "friend" is a key new reader there. The King has a lot of Phillip in him more than anyone might know, and this was his Phillip on display. It is early times I think he should be given a break for this week and remember he is not the late Queen and he will never be.

  22. You rightly labeled Oprah’s comments as hypocrisy. She exploited the royal family for her own personal gain. In so doing she enabled poor dumb Harry and his opportunistic wife while they burned their royal bridges behind them.

  23. Thank you peirs Morgan for being challanging not enough ppl now talking out ♥️ charles is going to make a good king ❤️👍❤️ royalty should never marry commoners fulsestop ♥️ we dont need to poke our noses into other countries woes ganging up on putin isnt good ♥️ England has enough problems that need sorting nevermind Ukraines woes ❤️ look at your own countries problems frist ❤️ its so weird that the western world pokes their noses in and try fighting other countries battles for them♥️


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