LIVE – Kehilat HaCarmel – Worship Watch – October 31, 2023

Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Congregation) is a Messianic congregation located in Haifa on Mount Carmel, Israel.


6 thoughts on “LIVE – Kehilat HaCarmel – Worship Watch – October 31, 2023”

  1. Intercession. What is on YOUR Heart Oh Lord show us what to pray for The Glory of Your Name. Hebrews 12 As we Praise the Arrows go put on the Adversary. We plead the blood to shut down
    divination and occult activity in UN and Hamas

  2. over 80% of Bible prophecy has been accurately fulfilled , i believe over 300 about Yeshua. so there are approx 20% of prophecy still to be fulfilled , maybe less today. It therefore is obvious all these prophecies will be fulfilled . It's Gods word > & will not return void. Reading the prophets in recent weeks is like looking at the daily news , only it's more accurate. Yes this is Gods war , Gods plans will come to completion , He's given us glimpses , telescopic sights & sometimes microscopic sight. When the Lord restores the fortunes of Zion. He is building a people for His eternal dwelling place . Oh why can't these world leaders just stop & look in this Book of Books , Yeshua Wins ! ! But they are deceived & blind & deaf & evil controls them.. God grieves with us , He weeps ,He longs , Yeshua constantly makes intercession for us. The Holy Spirit prays within us. We press on to win the prize, to know Yeshua & only Him. feel His peace, seek His face , know His love . Rest in all His promises . WE have a book of promises , even more ;-Facts , truth . in Ephesians it says He makes known His manifold wisdom to all the powers & principalities . He shows the heavens;- Us ! His treasured possession, the Royal Diadem He holds us up for all the world to see " MY PEOPLE " Hallelujah . Maranatha.


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