Live Chat – Delphi Murders – Aug. 2023 Updates

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27 thoughts on “Live Chat – Delphi Murders – Aug. 2023 Updates”

  1. I hope i can articulate the malor issue with the sig sauer p226 and the "ballistics"…which is the crux of this not a gun nut but its been a major part of my lwhole life and also my 66 year old fathers..paeticulary balistics, loading, ammo, tech and trouble shooting info, and the mechanics, engineering, and metalergy..particulary of tacticke weapons..we arnt domsdayers or 2nd admebdment father bonded with his brother at a young age after he went to vietnam and became a police ofcicer..and in the 1960's shooting sports and competions were largely produced and centeted are police officers and police culture..particularly pistol and carbine shooting at reactive targets and withing lifelike senariors for the first time..this wlumd involve in the organization the I.D.P.A…its shooting millitary small arms in in simulated realistic senarios..i competed growing up but was primarily into teap and sporting clays a nra certified range officer, ran a 700 member gun club, and both competed in and oversaw these competitions at our club. I had a natural talent for it and my father worked in the defense industry and they promoted him doing these competitions as well as i..

    My father is an engineer, machinest, and prototpist by trade with raytheon and texas instruments defencd divions for 43 years and just recently retired..but his hobby snd pasdion has long been spirt shooting and like every lithle boh it became mine..which turned into trading in firearms whiñe my dads skills led him down the path of a hobbiest gunsmith..because of his background it machining he could manufscturd fof himseñf and others parts and pieces that break, buy broken firearm chesp to repair and profit, and eventualy led to ud both competing in shotgun sports at a high levle when i was teenager..
    In shotgun sports tberes more of an emphasis of th e balistic coefficents, velocities, powder burn rate, and bullet grain weight…most seripus enthusists have sn entire room dedicated to loading coustom ammunition..which is not just shotgun shells but translates to pistol, rifle, and carbine as well..the last decade weve formed a partnership in trading in hugh end firearms to bring in extra bucks..the world oc furearm enrhusuats contains a bunch lf egos abd know it alls and i just wanted to preface that our intrest in rhe field came about a very different way than wanting to blow simething up with a big gun..its aññways been a part of both oufr lives..and im no expert, i sould say my father ks..but i do know more ablut this sub culture rhan any other…
    That out of the way lets get to it. Alan bought the 3rd geberation of the sig sauer p226 Millitary and police pisgmtol in o1-02, about a year or less after the 3rd gen of the 226 was produced and made available on the american market..the sig sauer is Probaly europes most prlduced tacticle pistol, very common..however in the us sif saure had never realy been able to get thier fllt in the door..for lots of reasins, the high cost so millitary was never realy interested, and because of the exportation laws and clinton era gun bans very few of these sig sauer tacticle pisrols made it across the pond as they would only sell internationaly to other nato countries millitart and they are ñrwtty rare in nlrth america
    This all chsnged around 99-2000 when the clinton era restrictions expired and second admendment support as well as fight wjing para millitary militias were griwning very in 2001 sig saure markwts thier first militaey and police tacticle weapon to the american publice, they had to make sime xhanges though..the mark lf a "combat" pistol is the kack of a safety often..and this was paet kf the romance of the overñriced sig saurer they didnt want to loose, but at the same time needed it more civilian ffiendly wirh safet mechanisms.
    They did so with this 3rd gereration by adding s very unique fwature of a safety hammer drop buttin near the trigger gaurd..allowing for the gun to go from first position lock, cocked, and rwady to fire without the inconvience and danger of having tl rake a pistol lut of fiest position by keeñing tensiin in the hammwr as you squuze the trigger to engage it and slowly drop and release both and back into a carry position, which thousands have been hurt or killed in the past while dlung this..
    It also came wkth two other new ammenrities or changes to be more civilian friendly..they introduced a floation pin block that prevents the gun from bumo and drop fireing as the 226 and most other tacticle pistols have very low tension in the trigger when cocked in single actuon and takes very littke pressure to engage the trigger and fire, these two additions to the 3rd gen are very unique but did expand thier coustimer base and produced a safer fire arm without loosing its millitant appeal by adding a safety, quite a smart move
    The third thing they did was make it available in cheaper american chamberings that were more readily available and popular at that time.
    Being that the gun did not drop from its extravagent price the expansion in the american market didnt live up to exlerations fir sif sauer, but was not exactly a failute either..they made some indroads, but still an uncommon weapon to find, even more so as a carry piece, and by chambering it in 40 cal S&w as an option ofset to the cost and helped buyers jusrify it as .40 call(wgich is not a new chambering) was seeing a resurgance and ammunitiin was cheap and rediably available..however it essential just turned it into a big exñensive all purpise gun and lost much lf its tacticle appeal..springfield had just came out with the XD and were selling like hotcakes and for a couple yeaes every manufactures wanted to jump on that .40 call band wagon and produce thier modeles in that chambering..particularly law enforcwment, which is a bit irionic. Because RA bought the pistol a year after its release, these are the only changes to an old and very expensive modle of firearn that has low resale, and the 3rd gen was the first time it was offered in rhis .40 smith chambering..its not 100% but its 99% he bought this pistol new, hes the only ever owndr, and was made aware of the new features when buying it or beforel, if not they are so unique 5 minutes looking at it youd figure out the new amwnities and differences and thier purpose's..likely he knew these things before the purchase but ill stay objective.
    He got a concealed carey license 4 or 5 years later and from what i understabd qualified with this ñistol and it was his main carry weapon..he had 40 or sk rounds he had to fire to qualify and being a bar fly where you cant carry, and him being about a 130 pounds, teavling for worl, i imagind there was alot of time spent handlimg that gun over the next 15 years..he knew exactly how its unique functions wotked, its a vefy safe bet…more to come

  2. I’ve walked that trail, actually on October 27th of 2022, one day before they announced the arrest. But I did some video recording and there is no way RA walked from the bridge to the bench and not see them. He for sure saw them. He might have walked to the bench to see if other people were there, but then walked back to the bridge. He’s lucky he didn’t end up in the back of Libby’s photo of Abby at 2:07. He must have been further back at that time.

  3. Hey Tom. Great video. I did want to say there is a reason no one is talking about Brandon Woodhouse. He is a known member of a certain white supremacy group. There are photos of his Facebook going around where he has a very notable WW2 German symbol over his heart and a 4 letter word relating to that down his side.

  4. Sorry Tom I missed the live deal. Your coverage is the one I enjoy the most. I love your energy, and passion to details.
    For some reason, we are not getting any updates at all really on this case.

  5. Another great video Tom. Have you ever thought about looking other cases with video, such Elizabeth Barreza or Shelbey Thornberg? If you do these you'll bring more eyes to the cases and possibly help get them resolved

  6. 1:43:08 the agony of the families is increased immeasurably by the abject failure of law enforcement to do the job they take an oath to do. I cannot wrap my head around the evidence of video tape of the killer and yet it's 6 years later and it's just beginning to organized for a trial early next year.

  7. I was laughing when he kept saying goodnight to everybody, then ended up taking a 3 hour nap and shits not so funny anymore. I'll be downloading this episode I guess for better sleep health. Thanks again Tom. See you in my dreams :*

  8. Many of the jurors (in rural Indiana) will be gun owners and avid shooters. The unspent round markings will be a hard sell on them. My hubby is an enthusiast and finds this REALLY difficult to believe. (We live close to Delphi.)

  9. For anybody who is interested in this case and thinks there's nothing new here, I'd suggest watching it. There's lots of detail and speculation with both sides of the equation. It's intelligent and not sensationalized for clicks (other youtubers this means you).

  10. Tom, I've heard speculation that this guy had killed or rped before because no middle age man wakes up 1 day and randomly decides to do this. What's your thoughts on that?


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