Let's Watch the Nintendo Direct! – LIVESTREAM

Let’s see what Nintendo has in the works for the rest of the year and how Pikmin 4 is shaping up!
#nintendodirect #Direct #Switch
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41 thoughts on “Let's Watch the Nintendo Direct! – LIVESTREAM”

  1. You know the Nintendo Direct It was good with all the new Mario stuff but I was very disappointed with Nintendo when they didn't announce TomoDachi Life that was very upsetting to me like give this game a chance Nintendo just like what you did with MiiTopia and giving it a new Mii Maker Editor like give it a chance please

  2. Lot of things I loved about this Direct. The Mario, the Pikmin, the Penny, wonderful.

    Also, that part near the end:

    Joey: “Six years, Andre. Six years of not knowing what Metroid Prime 4 looks like is enough to drive a man insane.”

    Absolutely perfect how his sentence ends at the same time as:

    Joker: “Welcome to the madhouse, Batman!”

  3. Very happy with the Direct overall, but wasn't to exciting.
    Stoked for the Mario RPG remake and Super Mario Wonder!
    Also, new WarioWare!
    As always, looking forward to Pikmin 4. They didn't announce any TotK DLC but that's fine. New amiibo looks cool.

  4. The main character of the new Dragon Quest Monsters game basically influenced Sephiroth. Its like the West does not know how big DQ is in Japan and it shows. You for the first time, play a villain, the DQIV villain.

  5. 48:23 “when will Pokémon games have voice acting”

    When the devs decide they’re ready

    not every game needs voice acting and if a game wants to do voice acting it should be the developer’s choice

    Don’t force them to do something they don’t feel comfortable doing yet

    They’ll get there one day when they choose to

    It’s like sex

    Don’t force it let them get to that decision organically and on their own

  6. Pokémon has tons of ambition actually

    The franchise has always been innovating and changing things up so I wouldn’t say predictable

    Predictability isn’t the samething as tradition

    They have always experimented with new concepts and mechanics

    Like breeding,natures,abilities, following pokemon, overworld encounters, physical special split, mega evolution,Zmoves, gigantamax/dynamax amie/refresh/camping, even motion controls from let’s go do these features not count as evolving/progressing are these things not ambitious?

    The restructuring of the traditional Pokémon format by having the third legendary as the main focus not to mention being the first Pokémon games ever to do DLC and the regional evolutions
    Also the various QoL stuff even having dynamax and gigantamax and you would not have SV without the wild area all of these new ideas and things for the franchise
    Are these not ambitious

    I mean all these things have changed the franchise in substantial ways

    Every generation offers something ambitious is replacing gyms with trials not ambitious? Or making the galar league a tournament like the anime instead of a traditional elite four is that not ambitious

    Sure none of them have ever been this super drastic

    But to say it’s “finally evolving” is a bit disingenuous

    Has the steps in previous games been a bit smaller I mean sure

    But baby steps and even medium steps is still progression

    Why do we count this and not those

    Shouldn’t it all count?

    Some of these things maybe temporary but they are still creative and ambitious and drastically change the course of the franchise so they count

  7. The Super Mario RPG remake ALONE made this one of the best Directs for me! It’s been one of my most wanted games and one of my Top 5 Most Wanted Game Remakes for a LONG time now, and I never got back to playing it on my Super NES Classic Edition or Wii U, so this will give me the perfect excuse to play it whenever I have some free time! I actually SCREAMED and teared up when I saw it happen! And I was just thinking to myself yesterday about how it would be great to have Pikmin 1 & 2 and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon on the Switch, and I’m VERY happy about the latter! I have been waiting for Detective Pikachu Returns ever since it was just being mentioned as “Detective Pikachu on the Nintendo Switch” from a Pokémon press conference back in May 2019 (plus, this is the first new Pokémon spinoff since New Pokémon Snap that will have a physical version, over 2 years later)!


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