Live At The Rescue !

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00:00 The live begins with Saskia, she says Hi to us all. Saskia tells us about how crazy busy they were and said it’s kind of lull now.
4:15 Saskia takes us into the garage and shows us some pregnant mom pigs and she shows other pigs in the garage
8:15 Saskia tells us Giacomo got adopted while showing us other pigs and talking to us.
12:12 Saskia takes a little walk to see what’s going on in the adoption and than goes to the health check tent where volunteer Valerie is. She talks to her for a few than takes us back to the garage where she talks to us some more.
17:42 Saskia shows us a piggy on top of the hay who she says has calcified bulla syndrome and she is a permanent resident. She talks to us some and discusses bathing your guinea pigs. She bathed 6 earlier but didn’t have time to start the live.
22:24 Saskia takes us to the adoption area where volunteer Katherine is blow drying a guinea pig she just bathed. Than Volunteer Valerie takes over the camera & explains that they had a lull today. They were really busier earlier, but not busy now.
25:34 Valerie takes us to see other animals. than she takes us to the health check tent and has Katherine show everyone her Weedwacker T shirt Saskia has a goose named Weedwacker. than Valerie takes us back into the garage to show us some pigs.
44:40 Saskia takes a piggy to get a bath. Valerie shows us the pig up close so we can see the dirty ears. Saskia shows us the right way to hold a guinea pig and starts bathing the pig.
57:20 Saskia takes us to the health check tent where some customers are there to pick up a lethal piggy. Saskia talks to them for a few than Saskia takes the customers pig to do a teeth trim on her. lethal pigs don’t usually live very long at all due to many health problems. This is over 2 years old which is rare for a lethal to live that long.
1:01:25 Saskia takes the us & the lethal pig into the garage where some customers traveled a long way to see her. Saskia talks to them for a sec. They want to get a picture with her. Than Saskia burrito wraps the piggy and talks to the customer some more. Saskia rinses the pigs mouth and begins trimming the it’s teeth.🦷
1:12:54 Saskia waits on volunteer Valerie to help hold a guinea pig so she can trims it’s teeth. While waiting Saskia talks to us for a few shows us a book written by her guinea pig guru Peter Gurney.
1:16:55 Volunteer Valerie shows up to hold the piggy so Saskia can trim it’s teeth. After successfully trimming it’s teeth the pig starts immediately eating a banana. 🍌Everything you see Saskia use she has links for in the video description.❗💯
1:31:14 Saskia aims the camera at the customers visiting. They been talking to her for a little. They had really hoped to see Scotty, but Scotty goes to the rescue during the week.
1:33:41 Saskia shows us guinea pig magazine for this month. Than she takes us to the bonding area. She tells us Her husband Gabe built the roof for the adoption area. Gabe is an awesome husband.💯 Saskia takes us to the health check tent. Volunteer Adril takes over.
1:49:20 Saskia returns and steps back in to help with health checks. She steps away for a sec to get her nail clippers than returns & resumes health check
2:12:16 Saskia feels a pig that has large tumors. She thinks the tumors are pushing everything forward & making it difficult for the pig to breathe.😢 She talks to the customer about it & recommends he take the pig to a vet.
2:24:55 Saskia decides to wrap it up since they are busy. She Thanks everyone for being here and her mods for all their work, Brigitte for the timestamps. A Huge Thank You to Saskia for always putting on an awesome live. Thank You to all Staff, Volunteers, Moderators, Donors, and Everyone who participated in todays livestream❗ Everything you see Saskia use as well as all kinds of really cool stuff. Saskia has links for it all in the video description, Check it out.💯👍💖💕🐹🐹


12 thoughts on “Live At The Rescue !”

  1. 00:00 The live begins with Saskia, she says Hi to us all. Saskia tells us about how crazy busy they were and said it's kind of lull now.

    4:15 Saskia takes us into the garage and shows us some pregnant mom pigs and she shows other pigs in the garage

    8:16 Saskia tells us Giacomo got adopted while showing us other pigs and talking to us.

    12:12 Saskia takes a little walk to see what's going on in the adoption and than goes to the health check tent where volunteer Valerie is. She talks to her for a few than takes us back to the garage where she talks to us some more.

    17:42 Saskia shows us a piggy on top of the hay who she says has calcified bulla syndrome and she is a permanent resident. She talks to us some and discusses bathing your guinea pigs. She bathed 6 earlier but didn't have time to start the live.

    22:24 Saskia takes us to the adoption area where volunteer Katherine is blow drying a guinea pig she just bathed. Than Volunteer Valerie takes over the camera & explains that they had a lull today. They were really busier earlier, but not busy now.

    25:34 Valerie takes us to see other animals. than she takes us to the health check tent and has Katherine show everyone her Weedwacker T shirt Saskia has a goose named Weedwacker. than Valerie takes us back into the garage to show us some pigs.

    44:40 Saskia takes a piggy to get a bath. Valerie shows us the pig up close so we can see the dirty ears. Saskia shows us the right way to hold a guinea pig and starts bathing the pig.

    57:20 Saskia takes us to the health check tent where some customers are there to pick up a lethal piggy. Saskia talks to them for a few than Saskia takes the customers pig to do a teeth trim on her. lethal pigs don't usually live very long at all due to many health problems. This is over 2 years old which is rare for a lethal to live that long.

    1:01:25 Saskia takes the us & the lethal pig into the garage where some customers traveled a long way to see her. Saskia talks to them for a sec. They want to get a picture with her. Than Saskia burrito wraps the piggy and talks to the customer some more. Saskia rinses the pigs mouth and begins trimming the it's teeth.🦷

    1:12:54 Saskia waits on volunteer Valerie to help hold a guinea pig so she can trims it's teeth. While waiting Saskia talks to us for a few shows us a book written by her guinea pig guru Peter Gurney.

    1:16:55 Volunteer Valerie shows up to hold the piggy so Saskia can trim it's teeth. After successfully trimming it's teeth the pig starts immediately eating a banana. 🍌Everything you see Saskia use she has links for in the video description.❗💯

    1:31:14 Saskia aims the camera at the customers visiting. They been talking to her for a little. They had really hoped to see Scotty, but Scotty goes to the rescue during the week.

    1:33:41 Saskia takes us to the bonding area. She tells us Her husband Gabe built the roof for the adoption area. Gabe is an awesome husband.💯 Saskia takes us to the health check tent. Volunteer Adril takes over.

    1:49:20 Saskia returns and steps back in to help with health checks. She steps away for a sec to get her nail clippers than returns & resumes health check

    2:12:16 Saskia feels a pig that has large tumors. She thinks the tumors are pushing everything forward & making it difficult for the pig to breathe.😢 She talks to the customer about it & recommends he take the pig to a vet.

    2:24:55 Saskia decides to wrap it up since they are busy. She Thanks everyone for being here and her mods for all their work, Brigitte for the timestamps. A Huge Thank You to Saskia for always putting on an awesome live. Thank You to all Staff, Volunteers, Moderators, Donors, and Everyone who participated in todays livestream❗ Everything you see Saskia use as well as all kinds of really cool stuff. Saskia has links for it all in the video description, Check it out.💯👍💖💕🐹🐹

  2. I wish I had a clone so that I can be here to watch the live while it's live, as well as do outside tasks, Today I helped my friend carve their pumpkins took photos of their kids for them, I also carved my pumpkin for my piggies, and tomorrow I continue my photoshoot.

    But now to stop babbeling and actually watch the live. LOL

  3. When people say guinea pigs are "self cleaning" it means they groom themselves the way a cat does.
    But even cats, once a year a bath is good, I did that with my cat, and the dirt and grime that came off his body was horrendous!

  4. I have successfully bonded my 3 males together yesterday !!! Their bonding was AMAZING they showed no aggressive behavior what so ever !! No chasing either !! I think it helped that I bathed them and they smelled the same ❤


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