Chip shop owner who celebrated Queen Elizabeth's death driven out of Scottish town


29 thoughts on “Chip shop owner who celebrated Queen Elizabeth's death driven out of Scottish town”

  1. All the world is a stage..Condition the masses to accept the rhetoric of the media and politicos. Instil some subconscious fear that if they speak up there will be consequences..Pavlov would be proud.

  2. The Anglos always tried to take over the Scottish tribes, that being said, when the last royalty dies all that will be left is the "sacred democracy" horseshyyte.

  3. Those fkn tares, their only purpose is to take up as much space as possible, so real humans can't come together to fight for the right to be freely human, while these soulless markers are here to disregulate, act out aggressively, set bad examples, since WE ARE IMPRESSIONABLE by nature; teachable. They're Fkn cheaters.

  4. WoW. Those poor conned serfs really need to stop drinking the Kool Aid and think, instead of react. The elites love the fact that those slaves are the perfect servants. Just remember that everyone to them is expendable and replaceable. You're all being used. Wake up!!


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