Like Leaves Will Fall 7 part tag!

Subscribe to Tim Waurick!!!
Original video:

I just thought it would be funny to add 3 parts to this tag, so I wrote some more and then recorded them. The mixing is kinda weird because I’m adding tracks on top of Tim’s original multitrack, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Arranged by Jake Tickner, Tim Waurick, and Jason Fieler (in that order)

instagram: @jasonfieler
For a $5 pledge a month, you can get any pdf and midi file of any transcription/arrangement of mine on my channel.
For $20 per minute of music, you can request an arrangement/tag to be made of a song of your choice! Reach out via Patreon or Instagram if you’re interested!


21 thoughts on “Like Leaves Will Fall 7 part tag!”

  1. Bro…I knew this guy was amazing, but the ability to sing 7 parts with only 4 voices is astounding. Just incredible. I'd pay 7 gazillion dollars to be able to sing 1.75 parts

  2. Man you should have recorded yourself singing, I was confused for a sec then had to read the description. Maybe put at least a text on the screen that you sung the added lines. Also that low note is mad. Amazing work

  3. Hello! Thank you all for watching! I just wanted to clarify that Tim Waurick sang the original 4 parts (including the 4 part intro he added to Jake's original tag), and I arranged and sang the extra 3 parts on my own. Hope that clears up any confusion 🙂


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