Light and Magic | 1×1: Gang Of Outsiders | Reaction

Kyle reacts to the first episode of Light and Magic: Gang Of Outsiders! Join the Kyle Katarn discord server!


29 thoughts on “Light and Magic | 1×1: Gang Of Outsiders | Reaction”

  1. Im so glad you are reacting to this. Not sure anyone else has, and its such a great little documentary show with soo many details i never even heard of before. Its such a interesting look back in time

  2. Love all of this, except….it makes me feel REALLY old.
    I was in my late 20's when I saw episode 4 in theaters.
    I was "gob smacked"
    I've been a Star Wars fan ever since and it's been a great journey.
    May the force be with you. 👍

  3. Watching these geniuses make something from nothing is amazing ! I remember watching the making of return of the Jedi as a kid and feeling the same way I did watching this now !

  4. How dare you say 2001 was slow!!!!! It crawlrd. Snails left the ships in their dust.
    Did you say you've never seen Silent Running? The 3 "droids", Huey, Dewey & Louie, were an amazing practical effect. The ships were later used in the original Battlestar Galactica. You've got to see it.

  5. This series was simply incredible and the common through line of these legendary creators is that they were all inspired by their fave movies or art before the age of ten. let your little kids watch awesome movies people, they might get inspired to inspire.

  6. This documentary series was fantastic, I was glued to my screen. I would have loved to have had the imagination to be able to do this type of work. The matt paintings being brought to life, WOW!

    Did you spot, the intro is all films …. and then you get Mando 😅 it gave me a chuckle each time I watched it. I'm easily amused 😁

  7. I loved this series too, as I'm like you and grew-up admiring all their work in various movies and TV shows (especially all of Star Wars, some of Star Trek, Terminator etc.). It was a real joy seeing how they had to put it all together, including the organisation itself. I had no idea it had started from such small, humble beginnings.

  8. Space 1999 was made and broadcast before Star Wars was made. Lucas didn't want any of his ships to be too similar to other sci fi productions. Brian Johnson and Nick Allder are behind the special effects for the show. Also used for Alien, Outland etc.


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