Lifting For The Future Of Humanity

Coach ZT gives some compelling talk on why YOU should keep on doing what you love, because you love it.

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28 thoughts on “Lifting For The Future Of Humanity”

  1. The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves -Carl Jung

  2. People are genetically becoming weaker. Evolution thrives on selection pressure. We as humans have got to a point where selection pressure is virtually gone. So there's no reason for our genes to adapt and overcome anything. Case in point to the genetic reference. Why can two people eat the same exact shitty diet, yet one develops major health conditions and the other one has virtually none, even has a great physique and everything. Genetics. Genetics are the reason why you can't "just put your mind to it and achieve ANYTHING." It's a lie. You can't achieve ANYTHING you want just by putting your mind to it. You can't train in the 100m dash enough to beat Usain Bolt. You don't have the genetics. You can put your mind to it all you want, it's not happening.
    I've never met a generation so mentally and physically weak. Everyone under 30 gets stressed out and anxious so easily. They read comments and get depressed lol. Comments from people they will never meet irl has negative effects on them. Why not just "put your mind to" not being so weak minded. What's even more funny is this rallies a ton of other weak people to the cause. When they talk about being weak it attracts all the other weak people to cheerlead for the person and they gain a massive following from it. Then you have large groups of people in an echo chambers all talking about how easily they get anxiety attacks.

  3. 1:30 that's all mainly due to the diet.
    also you don't get to live to 80 looking like that.
    and the shorter your life span is the more crappy the last years of your life are – so you just suffer then die early.
    the people making it over 90 these days are very happy and live very active lives in retirement.

    Rostropovich practised until he died and he was actively improving until his 70's… a humanitarian … and he didn't even have all the tools and know how we have now.
    Hillary Hahn may have only peaked in her 50's. Who knows if that was her best – the custom compositions.

    But there is something you can keep growing and getting better at till the day you die (given a healthy life style). All manner of inner workings. They will keep mind sharp too.
    Love and happiness can grow with age. Bliss can become ones natural state and an ever deepening constant knowing can pervade you.

    That man was describing himself – he is the worm. Humans don't have a worm inside them – they just lack any proper guidance to cultivate and truly develop their being.

  4. Love the message of this one!
    Personally, I've had times in my life where every day I trained, I did things I never in my life thought I could ever do. For weeks on end, every day I lifted, I discovered that I could actually do more than I thought I could. I don't know what's better than that 😅

  5. Guys, lifting won't give meaning to your lives. It can be a good way to MANAGE the nihilism and emptiness, but you'll have to go deeper. Once you get there, lifting will be optional.

    In my 40s, I was trying to commit "end of life by fitness." Lots of extreme stuff, meditation, etc. I did not succeed. Now I just work out like others go to the office. At least I tried, lol.

    We are emprisoned by the freedom of all the superficial identity choices we have and our material comfort. An endless abundance of trivial purposes and meanings.

  6. I’ve always felt that what gives me “meaning” is the pursuit of better. Heavier weights, better landings, faster cars, happier kids, happier wife. Whatever that is for you is what will give you meaning. When we settle into a routine of stagnation is when we “die” the first time.

  7. Lifting has been one of the only things that I feel is mine. I get what I put in, it quiets my mind, and its something tangible that improves it. Its real, its there, and ultimately it makes me happy. Great video!

  8. academics, careers, grinding 9 to 5 can have some meaning, but what I have found out for myself is that great materialistic meaning is empty. if you can find that one thing that gives you a reason to actually get up and look forward to, be it lifting, be other more simpler things and you can enjoy that true meaning in simpler things. it's like popping 250µg of Lucy and going into the forest for the first time in months after grinding out exam after exam, and then you can see the value simple things and the power of sheer existence can have. I love these deeper videos of your's so much, man. always love stuff that hits me deep down and makes me think & reflect. that's insanely valuable to me aswell!


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