CCP's New Extraction Shooter With EVE Integration | EVE Vanguard

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CCP just announced EVE Vanguard, a new multiplayer extraction FPS that will be integrated into New Eden from day 1. A couple of days ago during EVE Online fanfest we got to hear little bit about a bunch of upcoming updates to EVE online including stuff like built in SRP and a custom ship skin builder, as well as a brief look at CCP’s upcoming shooter set in the EVE universe called EVE Vanguard which is what we’re gonna be focussing on in this video.

BUT if I don’t sound all that convinced just yet it’s because this isn’t the first time that these developers have tried to make this game, and over the years they’ve definitely cancelled their fair share of projects before they’ve really gotten off the ground, and before we go over what we know about EVE Vanguard so far, which admittedly isn’t very much, let’s first talk about why it’s probably not worth getting super hyped up about the game just yet by checking out what these guys have done with similar projects in the past…



42 thoughts on “CCP's New Extraction Shooter With EVE Integration | EVE Vanguard”

  1. I was a templar for one of the events in Dust 514 that fought against players. I am asking for it since I don't have time to manage a corp in Eve anymore. Having a lobby shooter that keeps me in the eve universe is way better than me spending time/money in any other game.

  2. RedcoatViking, you have played EVE alot. I get back to it several times but just as a solo player. I realy love the universe. But from your point of view. Do you think that the game has evolved alot the last 5 years?

  3. If you ever need to find people who really want a EVE connected FPS, just pop into the Dust 514 subreddit. The desire is still alive and well and we've been going crazy over the Vanguard announcement. That doesn't mean Vanguard can be trash and I'd still play it, of course. I am excited for an extraction shooter set in the EVE universe, but if CoD DMZ is plainly better, I'll keep playing that.

  4. Man why'd they have to go with the extraction shooter route. So many have tried and ultimately failed to create one that can compete with Tarkov but not even Cod or BF could pull it off. Also it being f2p might make cheating a big issue as thats a big problem in Tarkov which is a paid game ($45-$150 depending on the edition you buy.)

  5. Planets in Eve need a detail upgrade especially planets likely to be involved in Vanguard warfare there should be focus on temperate earth like planets, also a way for vanguard soldiers to attack and kill eve players docked in stations

  6. CCP really has a weird approach. If they want to attrack people to the eve mmo why not make a single player game. Something like a action rpg or even an RTS set in new eden. There is endless posibilities with eve. And yet… I truly believe that CCP has a lack of innovative minds or maybe its tye management. I am wrong???

  7. Not an EVE player but it looks to me as an outsider that EVE players are in something of an abusive relationship with CCP Games. They promise everything but then don't deliver or blame the player base for their own incompetence. Correct me if I've got this wrong.

  8. I was a little caught off guard that they went with an extraction shooter for this incarnation of the EVE shooter concept, but as I thought about it I guess the drama of getting screwed over and ganked by other players actually fits with EVE very well. The eventual sandbox vision of this is also exciting. I have high hopes, and it’s been a decade since I’ve been this optimistic for this game. I hope they don’t mess it up again

  9. I actually think they can do much better now. It seems they know that they can't get it feature rich from day one so they are focusing on just a few things and then they'll work on expanding the game with updates. It's a safer approach to game development.

  10. Most of you don’t know about Dust514 for the ps4 aka there first fps and the best one I’ve ever played… I remember running prototype tanks for 12 mill isk making 100 k a good game💀

  11. If this game is to succeed it has to have quest or contracts similar to Tarkov but instead you level what faction you align to. How it impacts EVE is what I want to know? Are they eventually gonna have it so Stations have to be taken over to flip systems for control? Or…Nullsec can deploy there FPS counters to take over an opposing station to sieze assets? Or perhaps just maybe Bounty Hunting can actually happen?

  12. Looks like all this first person shooters are perfect way to burn a lot of shereholders money, internal dev team sell some 'great ideas' to CEO get budget and have few years of relaxing job

  13. Meh it looks like they never learn.. i still wonder why they do not develop a fully integrated rts game.. focusing on planetary development and fighting in eve world systems, in order to provide resources to the player playing in the sky above.. it,s more focused on the strategic gameplay that eve provides, more centered into the integration claims, it improves and create lore on a part of the eve gameplay wich is currently a sort of minigame inside the game and that does not have much to do with spaceships in anycase..

  14. Generic and boring AF. Just another "extraction shooter" without anything special except "EVE" name on it.
    Until CCP create massive online shooter like PlanetSide 2, but in EVE universe, its destined to fail miserably.

  15. CCP will only follow through with additons to the EvE Universe if it can be monitized or an ISK sink otherwise they can't be bothered I won eve a few years ago and this won't bring me back unfortunately

  16. The Dust 514 downfall 4:41 was CCP announcing on the Dust Keynote EVE:Legion. killing everyone off from Dust514 since they didn't plan on making a port to PS4
    Keyboard and Mouse was also possible to play there as well as Eve Voice chat

    Source: Played it from Closed Beta till the End (full 4 years)

  17. Extraction shooters are by nature "Hardcore". One shot headshots, slower more purposeful combat, a wide variety of items of varying rarities. The Cycle Frontier is a perfect example of not understanding the fundamentals of an extraction shooter. They're sunsetting in a month or two. Marauders is a perfect example of how to casualize gameplay while still maintaining a relatively low ttk. Tarkov is king despite its optimization and bugs and hackers. You could argue Warzone's DMZ is also a casualized extraction shooter, but it lacks any sort of economy. And that is a vital piece of the formula.

  18. I’m excited because I LOVED Dust514 and would probably trade all my nonessential internal organs for a fully fleshed out FPS in the Eve universe.

    But I also accept that CCP has a track record of failing every single FPS attempt they’ve ever done.

    Still. Gonna keep my hopes up because this is on my list of “things I only ever dream are possible”

  19. The problem with EVE Online is not that we ain't got the technology, the problem is that EVE Online is an old game in an old Engine, it's got its age holding it back, if you want something like Star Citizen but EVE, you will need to make a new game from scratch.

  20. I'm actually hyped about Vanguard and it's integration with main EVE. For once, I love all about EVE but I can't dedicate the time to it, son an easy-to-access FPS that's integrated to the main game is the perfect balance for me, as it allows me to be a part of the universe in a way I can accomodate. I wouldn't want it to be a sp game, as I found the richest part of EVE in all it's history has been player-led and player-made.

    Comparing it to Dust 514 is a bit anachronic. It's been 10 years. Almost everything D514 wanted to achieve is now way more easy to produce. If Vanguard manages to retcon some of what D514 dreamed about, then I believe it will enjoy a great reception among the fans, old and new.

  21. Yeah I kinda doubt that this will be a success. The game has to be really REALLY good to make it. If an Eve Online player wants to play an FPS, they play the FPS that has the gameplay they like. Not because it's connected to Eve Online.


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