Life on a Smallholding VLOG – The Pigs Leave Tomorrow

vlog #smallholding Wednesday is the end of August and the day before the pigs go off to the abattoir so it’s typical that there’s a bit …


12 thoughts on “Life on a Smallholding VLOG – The Pigs Leave Tomorrow”

  1. You could have a sack race with them😆. If you are having trouble with your potatoes I would grow in pots or you could grow one lot in the ground and another lot in pots and see what the results are.

  2. If you have a sewing machine could you cut them in half and just bind the hems with some material. Also in a previous vlog you mentioned simple living Alaska, I also watch them. Loving the content as it is great seeing British smallholders and give yourself some grace you work full time and have a family x

  3. I was having the same problem with my potato’s, I only have a tiny garden, so my potatoes were in pots, that worked well, but not a big enough yield, put them in the ground and they just got ravaged, Iam not sure how you feel about doing this, the past couple of years I used Nemasys nematodes from Amazon, they work brilliantly, so much so that I did not use them this year, plant my potatoes in the opposite raised bed, had lovely harvest, some were damaged but not as bad as previous years.
    The packets are not cheap, but they work if you want to go down that route.
    I do grow organically, the nematodes are the only thing I have used to stop pests.
    Hope that helps.
    Will be thinking of you tomorrow x

  4. Wow fab idea on coffee sacks Tracy. Sad about the potatoes 🥔 I don’t grow loads so I only grow in pots but that’s a lot of expense upfront for a large need. It’s 31c here today Saturday but we have been told this is the last really hot day. It’s part of life 🤷‍♀️ but they have had a good life.

    Ha ha Gerald does that but the opposite he can’t find this or,that, I get up and go help look and find it right off.

    Lovely update as always Tracy, have a fantastic day and happy homesteading, Ali 🇨🇦

  5. Hi Tracy, the tomatoes on one of our plots got blight, fortunately got everything out before the got to the spuds… going to check again today.
    I know in the past you've had some challenging conversations about raising your own meat but it's clear you dearly love the pigs and give them the best life possible and that is fantastic to see. Hope the ear tag wasn't a problem… keep up the good work x

  6. We had blight this year too and with the awful weather it was just more aggravation than it was worth. I’m going to try them in pots/bins next year so at least I can just tip them out. Hope you slept ok x

  7. Sun gold tomato’s are amazing they make a beautiful pasta sauce! Not alone with the potatoes.. I did great with my early’s and then my marfonas were mostly eaten 😭.
    We’ve always slap marked our pigs never had one with an ear tag.. might be worth buying yourself one incase it ever happens again xx

  8. Hope the pig tag situation resolved. It’s really hard to see them go but as you say they’ve had a good life. Thank you for the info on the unsealed jar so good to see it in real life. I canned some apples in a sugar syrup and they’ve all floated to the top so not sure if that’s a good sign or not 🤷‍♀️ any advise very welcome as I’m so green when it comes to preserving and canning in particular.


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